Then again,

I used to teach at Northern Sydney IT - they aren't all lucky enough to get you Lisa :-)

On 08/09/2005, at 9:48 AM, Herrod, Lisa wrote:

There are actually a few excellent teachers at Sydney Institute (ultimo TAFE) who understand and teach web site design and development with a real focus on web standards. Their knowledge is extremely current and while the
old addage of

'Those that can, do. Those that can't, teach.'

is sometimes true, it isn't always. and defineitely not in this case.


-----Original Message-----
From: Seona Bellamy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, 8 September 2005 9:36 AM
Subject: Re: [WSG] Educate the educators (was) Barclays standards

On 08/09/2005, at 9:14 AM, Nick Gleitzman wrote:

On 8 Sep 2005, at 8:59 AM, Craig Rippon wrote:

by-the-by:  I am a web development student at Yeronga TAFE college
in Brisbane, Australia. One of my instructors has never heard of
DOCTYPE, refuses to put tags in lowercase and also refuses to
close <p>, 'cause they don't need to be closed.

Which just goes to prove the (cynical) old saw: 'Those that can,
do. Those that can't, teach.'

Seriously, this is a good example of how important it is that
tertiary education the world over keeps its curriculum up to speed
with what's happening in the real world. Difficult, I know, given
the administrative behemoths that are responsible for govt-run
education - but as a student, if your course is not up to scratch,
you should complain - in writing - to the highest power that you
can. Maybe your local MP? It may take years for change to come
about, and probably won't help you, but it may help the students
down the line...

And in the meantime, you've got us to help you learn to do it right!

Seriously, though, when I did my uni course we had a subject on
usability and accessibility and it touched briefly (very briefly) on
CSS. Pity none of the tutors really understood it. *sigh* I ended up
taking one of the tutes myself, because I was the only one in the
class who knew what the lecturer was getting at.

Might have considered getting into teaching myself, except that it
would mean I had to deal with students...


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