Thierry Koblentz wrote:
Paul Novitski wrote:
At 3/6/2007 05:51 PM, Thierry Koblentz wrote:
     President..................................John Smith
     Vice-president.........................Janet Jones

In other words, the items in the two columns line up horizontally,
and the cell on the left is filled out with dots.
Forget about how it should be marked up or presented, the "issue" is about
*defining* what tabular data is.
What's your definition of tabular data?

Data that is separated by a tab character (such as tsv files etc).

To quote:
A table can be a simple collection of data in tabular format

And in the case of the given example, a pseudo tab character was given.

 Actually, what if there was only one
row for our example?
Would you consider marking up the following with a table?

President..................................John Smith

What for you makes a list of "name/value" pairs tabular data?

Yes, because you still need to explain the relationships between the two. Those two pieces of data by themselves mean absolutely diddly squat. Is that the name of the current president of this organisation? Is this a member that is a president of another organisation? Is it a candidate running for president?

tabular data requires the tab character (or the close web approximation to) and in some ways requires an explanation of the relationships and meaning between the data. (headers)


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