On Tue, Jun 17, 2008 at 5:33 AM, Darren J Moffat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Tim wrote:
>> I guess I find it ridiculous you're complaining about ram when I can
>> purchase 4gb for under 50 dollars on a desktop.
> For many people around the world US$50 is a very significant amount of
> money.  That also assumes the have the money to buy (or have already done
> so) a motherboard that will take 4G of RAM.  What if they have a laptop,
> even one that isn't that old (say 3 years) it probably can't take that
> amount of memory.
> Just because US$50 doesn't seem a lot to you it is to some people.
> I have a quite old machine with an AMD Athlon 900MHz with 640Mb of RAM
> serving up NFS, WebDAV locally to my house and running my webserver (Apache)
> in a Zone.  For me performance is perfectly acceptable, but this isn't an
> interactive desktop.  Not only is performance acceptable when I moved all
> the data (photos, etc) off the internal disk of my (PPC) Mac Mini to the
> NFSv3 accessed ZFS system things on the mac actually got faster.
> But surely I could afford to by a machine with 4gb of RAM after all it is
> only US$50 right ?  Yes I could but why should I need to buy more hardware
> when I can use what I already have and not fill up more land file with non
> RoHS components (most of this machine, everything other than the CPU fan is
> more than 5 years old).
> --
> Darren J Moffat

GREAT point.  Sun shouldn't innovate in software if it doesn't run well on
hardware that should've been thrown away years ago.

Next on my list of complaints:
VMWare should stop writing ESX, I can't virtualize 64bit os's on my
Oracle needs to entirely step out of the DB game.  My ultrasparc II is
having troubles running 11g with 10,000 users.
Sun needs to scrap xVM as well as zfs because I can't get 10 instances of
windows running on this blazing fast Duron.
ID software shouldn't write another version of Doom if it isn't' going to
run at 120fps on my TNT2.

Quite honestly if $50 is a lot of money for you, you shouldn't be
complaining about the performance of ANYTHING.  If all you're looking for is
performance, load DSL and wander away.  I don't know ANYONE running around
claiming Solaris is the OS to beat on extremely slow hardware with extremely
minimal hardware specs.  That isn't its target market and never will be.

I don't expect the programmers at Sun or anywhere else to write their code
for hardware that's 10 years old, or stifle innovation based on that idea.
If that's the sort of project you're looking for I think you've stumbled
onto the wrong mailing list.
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