Hi David,

Interesting to see how our variable naming has changed over the years.

Thanks for your excellent post.

I’ll just add one little bit if I may.

Having worked in the javascript environment for quite some time now, I tend to 
leave out the “_” wherever I possibly can and use CamelCase instead.

so for me




Somehow I find the latter easier to read.

Also I tend to have all my modules in components these days so I have been 
leaving off the module name. But I’ve recently found a flaw in this approach. 
Often I want to bring my component code back into the host database to make it 
easier for testing and development. So bingo when I do, I have naming conflicts 
all over the place. As a result, I’m going back to what I should have done all 
along – add the module name to the variable!!

Best regards
Chris Curnow

On 24 Feb. 2017, at 2:29 pm, David Adams via 4D_Tech 
<4d_tech@lists.4d.com<mailto:4d_tech@lists.4d.com>> wrote:

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