> Le 24 févr. 2017 à 23:18, Timothy Penner via 4D_Tech <4d_tech@lists.4d.com> a 
> écrit :
>> Does anyone know, is there an actual 'vote' mechanism, or are you just 
>> supposed to put down a +1 post?
> This tech tip should help explain the difference between +1 and voting:
> Tech Tip: How to vote for a feature request
> http://kb.4d.com/assetid=76726

Vote on 4DBB exists since years now. I wonder about a so obvious vote system 
than a tech tip is necessary to explain how it works. 

BTW, giving a star to mean "bad" sounds strange to me, I'd use something more 
explicit to "push up or down". Or we could have more fun using some emoticons 
like 💩💀👎💣🔫

Arnaud de Montard 

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