> Having worked in the javascript environment for quite some time now, I
tend to leave out the “_” wherever > I possibly can and use CamelCase

> so for me

> $subscriber_recipient

> becomes

> $subscriberRecipient.

> Somehow I find the latter easier to read.

You and most people, I believe. I've got it in the back of my mind that
there's been some cog-sci research proving this very point. I tend to go
with the idiom of what I'm in, so my JS names don't look entirely like my
4D names. Also in JS, there seems to be a widespread allergy to parameter
lists while in 4D they're pretty normal.

> ...components

I've heard of those. I'll try again in V16.

And while we're on the subject of names, the 31 character limit is a daily
source of pain for me in 4D. And I end up with crappier names than I would
like all the same. Please vote for this (latest version of a long-standing)
feature request:


Does anyone know, is there an actual 'vote' mechanism, or are you just
supposed to put down a +1 post?
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