Movie sets for years have had fairly extensive rules on firearms, ammo and the handling thereof.  What needs to happen with Rust is to find out how and why the rules were circumvented and find a way to make sure this never happens again.  If that includes jail for life for Alec Baldwin, so be it.  This shooting was no accident, it was a failure of 3 individuals in a row to do their jobs and created a serious incident and loss of life.  There never should have been real ammo on the set, the person handing the weapon to Baldwin should have verified what was in the weapon and Baldwin should have checked.  None of that obviously took place.  Someone put real ammo in that gun, anyone who knows how to put a bullet into a revolver would have to know the bullets were not fake, this could be a 4th person since it is obvious the other 3 involved did not do their job.

On 12/2/21 10:27, Jay Weekley wrote:
Just watch any action movie such as John Wicke, Saving Private Ryan, Heat etc. There have been three deaths that I know of in all movies and TV series combined that I know of.   Massive reform is not required.

Mathew Howard wrote:
Personally, I think all these calls for changes to how the film industry handles weapons safety, banning guns from sets, etc. are more than likely completely unnecessary. It appears to me that they already have pretty strict safety procedures, which seem to have worked pretty well for the last century or so. If the reports that the safety procedures were repeatedly violated on that set are true (to the point people were walking off the set because they thought it was unsafe), that's the problem. The people that ignored the rules and procedures need to be held accountable, one way or another. Throwing a few people in prison is going to be pretty effective at making sure the rules are followed in the future. Monetary loss, which probably won't even significantly hurt the lackeys that are probably actually responsible (aside from Baldwin himself) isn't going to have the same effect.

Accidents happen, and sometimes they're unavoidable, but this isn't just a simple accident. This couldn't have happened if certain people had actually done their job. I don't think it's terribly unreasonable to hand a gun to some idiot actor and tell him to do whatever he needs to do with it, even if he's clueless and might violate every aspect of standard firearms safety - provided that gun passed through the hands of several other people who know what they're doing and verified there was no way it could hurt anybody.

On Thu, Dec 2, 2021 at 11:51 AM Chuck McCown via AF < <>> wrote:

    So, what does jail time fix?  A deterrent?  Sending a message?  A
    spanking for bad humans?
    This was an accident.  My wife wrecked a car 20 years ago and one
    of my sons died.  Should she have been put in jail? Accidents
    The family has civil remedies because money is the only thing the
    legal system can do to attempt to make one whole.
    *From:* Steve Jones
    *Sent:* Thursday, December 2, 2021 10:43 AM
    *To:* AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group
    *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] OT Alec Baldwin
    firearm safety is a universal applied universally to firearms.
    There is no different level of safety for different people. A
    firearms inherent danger doesnt lessen depending on where its used
    (maybe around flammable gasses). I hate cop out excuses for
    mishandling firearms. Thats how we have gotten to a point where
    people are afraid of an inanimate object.
    Now, putting a firearm in a morons hand like alec baldwin adds to
    the inherent danger, but thats beyond the basic principles of
    firearm safety (the ones that dont change)
    Multiple people need to see some jail time, starting with the
    person operating the firearm, thats the person ultimately
    responsible. The armorer, unless she can prove her sabatoge claim,
    needs to be in a cell. the guy who picked it up and gave it to the
    moron is just as culpable as twerp baldwin. Maybe they can be
    cellmates and split their time with shower bubba.
    This is a perfect example of why rule 1 exists, willfull ignorance
    of that is called negligence.
    On Thu, Dec 2, 2021 at 11:12 AM Daniel White <>

        I'm nervous around anyone with a firearm because on principle
        I trust no one.  I trust no firearm is unloaded unless I
        maintain possession and cleared it myself.  Active Duty/former
        military is mostly an exception since you act without respect
        there you can expect to have your face in the dirt pretty quick.

        I get though that you can't expect actors to know all the
        firearms they handle.  The system they use is supposed to have
        multiple fail safes so that the actor doesn't need to be a
        weapons expert.  I think the system works considering how few
        on set accidents have happened... and obviously procedure
        wasn't followed here.

        As I said, I think Alec is in some serious trouble as a
        producer... but I doubt anything will happen criminally in
        regards to him pulling the trigger.

        Daniel White
        phone:+1 (702) 470-2770
        direct:+1 (702) 470-2766

        Bill Prince
        December 2, 2021 at 09:55

        You and me both. When I'm in the presence of people who (I
        feel) are a bit too cavalier with a firearm, I get very
        nervous, and my natural instinct is to get the hell away from
        that person. I was taught to treat every firearm as if it is
        loaded. My bolt action rifle, I keep the bolt stored separate
        from the rifle. I don't put it in until I am ready to use it.

        On 12/2/2021 7:46 AM, Chuck McCown via AF wrote:

        Chuck McCown via AF
        December 2, 2021 at 08:46
        One junk news article has another person on the set saying
        his finger was on the trigger guard.
        Whether single or double action, a revolver takes some force
        to fire.
        I supposed if it was fully cocked and adjusted to have a hair
        trigger it is possible to be extra easy to touch off.
        I just cannot imagine someone handing me a firearm expecting
        me to wave it around in the general direction of people and
        me not checking it first.  I would never trust someone’s word
        on that.
        *From:* Bill Prince
        *Sent:* Thursday, December 2, 2021 8:28 AM
        *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] OT Alec Baldwin

        From where I'm sitting there had to be multiple screw ups.
        First is the security of the weapons. Based on what I've read
        (and I don't know how much of it is true), the weapons were
        on a table; they had been used for "target practice" during
        breaks; the armorer had declared them to be "cold" (in my
        mind that means there is nothing in the chambers; not blanks,
        not anything).

        If it was a dress rehearsal, I would expect that there were
        multiple cameras running. Digital film does not cost enough
        to matter, and it can be used to determine if they're getting
        the shots they want.

        On 12/2/2021 5:31 AM, Mike Hammett wrote:
        --         AF mailing list
        Bill Prince
        December 2, 2021 at 08:28

        From where I'm sitting there had to be multiple screw ups.
        First is the security of the weapons. Based on what I've read
        (and I don't know how much of it is true), the weapons were
        on a table; they had been used for "target practice" during
        breaks; the armorer had declared them to be "cold" (in my
        mind that means there is nothing in the chambers; not blanks,
        not anything).

        If it was a dress rehearsal, I would expect that there were
        multiple cameras running. Digital film does not cost enough
        to matter, and it can be used to determine if they're getting
        the shots they want.

        On 12/2/2021 5:31 AM, Mike Hammett wrote:

        Mike Hammett
        December 2, 2021 at 06:31
        Something a lot of people are leaving out is that movie set
        gun safety is likely quite different than real life gun
        safety. Likely, the same rules don't apply in both scenarios.

        Mike Hammett
        Intelligent Computing Solutions <>
        Midwest Internet Exchange <>
        The Brothers WISP <>

        *From: *"Steve Jones"
        *To: *"AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group"
        *Sent: *Wednesday, December 1, 2021 8:55:03 PM
        *Subject: *Re: [AFMUG] OT Alec Baldwin

        Amazing how less dead that lady would be if this guy wasnt
        handling a magic gun pointing it at people on a scene that
        had no call to point at people in an industry where you dont
        point firearms at people with a firearm you dont point at
        anything youre not prepared to destroy... but sure, he didnt
        pull the trigger. Totally trust a mope who beats people up
        over parking spots

        --         AF mailing list

        Steve Jones
        December 1, 2021 at 19:55
        Amazing how less dead that lady would be if this guy wasnt
        handling a magic gun pointing it at people on a scene that
        had no call to point at people in an industry where you dont
        point firearms at people with a firearm you dont point at
        anything youre not prepared to destroy... but sure, he didnt
        pull the trigger. Totally trust a mope who beats people up
        over parking spots

        --         AF mailing list

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