Tropical Anal Mist ....good night folks... May God bless us all...

On Oct 16, 2016 10:24 PM, "Jay Weekley" <> wrote:

> I suppose it depends on which side of your ancestry you identify with.
> Jaime Solorza wrote:
>> And some of us were here first and got conquered, exterminated, fucked...
>> Had our land taken, women raped and children murdered.    Many of us lost
>> our culture and had to assimilate to survive... Very different from my
>> ancestors perspective... On a side note... Look up the meaning of the Dine
>> ' (Navajo)  word for white folks... Like I said before America is
>> changing... My kids and grandkids have roots in three different worlds
>> now...
>> On Oct 16, 2016 9:55 PM, "Jay Weekley" <
>> <>> wrote:
>>     Most of us are only a relatively few generations down from someone
>>     that had the guts to leave their home country and come here to
>>     create a new life.
>>     That One Guy /sarcasm wrote:
>>         Drive and available cash flow are very much unrelated. We are
>>         an enigma. We have a huge prcentage of driven, breeding with
>>         driven, over a couple centuries, why do you think we drive
>>         innovation above most nations, all nations on a mean. The
>>         facts on the slave elements mentioned are we bred physical
>>         traits from the success negative element fom them. That
>>         statement sounds like something from a white supremacist
>>         garbage can. But sometimes truths sit in garbage cans.
>>         On Oct 16, 2016 9:55 PM, "Lewis Bergman"
>>         < <>
>>         <
>>         <>>> wrote:
>>             Hmmm. I think history would prove that attitude and drive
>>         is not
>>             genetic. Or at least the fact that the riches of a family
>>         seldom
>>             stay in the family past a couple generations would lead one to
>>             believe that genetics has little to do with success. That
>>         is an
>>             interesting position. Genetically diverse yes, predisposed to
>>             drive, success, or any other positive trait, I don't think
>>         so. It
>>             seems to me that the evidence points to nurture over nature in
>>             this regard.
>>             On Sun, Oct 16, 2016 at 9:48 PM That One Guy /sarcasm
>>             <
>>         <>
>>         <
>>         <>>> wrote:
>>                 The absolute most common trait in success is drive. Driven
>>                 people flocked to the us, my grandfather walked across
>>         Germany
>>                 to get to a boat to come here. That's not uncommon among
>>                 immigrants, even the current ones from South of the
>>         border and
>>                 South of the borders border that have walked here.
>>                 We took Africa and Irelands people @nd bred the best stock
>>                 over and over. The US is in fact genetically superior
>>         to the
>>                 rest of the planet because we have the rest 9f the planets
>>                 best genes.
>>                 Our nutjobs, even they are superior genetically. Fuck
>>         balls
>>                 On Oct 16, 2016 9:35 PM, "Lewis Bergman"
>>                 <
>>         <>
>>         <
>>         <>>> wrote:
>>                     With all our problems. All our faults. Even all our
>>                     inflated egos. We give more pet capita than any
>>         other to
>>                     other countries. Not the government's gifts, private
>>                     donations. People still come here from all over for a
>>                     chance to be rewarded for their hard work like no
>>         other
>>                     country will allow them to be rewarded.
>>                     Racist? Sure. Bigoted? Many. But I thrill to watch
>>         the US
>>                     in the Olympics as it is one of few countries you
>>         cannot
>>                     determine by race.
>>                     Will the rest of the world be worse off when we
>>         fall? By
>>                     that time, probably not. We have already outlived most
>>                     government's and are a bit long in the tooth.
>>         Sure, others
>>                     have long histories and the same names but not the
>>         same
>>                     government's.
>>                     I am proud to enjoy it while it lasts knowing
>>         nothing ever
>>                     stays the same and that no matter what I want or
>>         do I have
>>                     no control over it. My grandchildren, if I am so
>>         lucky,
>>                     will have a completely different America to live
>>         in than I
>>                     did from my grandparents. Most of that is likely
>>         to be an
>>                     improvement.
>>                     In a republic we have few to blame but ourselves.
>>         We all
>>                     deserve the government we allow to rule over us.
>>         Enjoy the
>>                     ride my friends. It ends the same for us all.
>>                     On Sun, Oct 16, 2016, 8:36 PM Jaime Solorza
>>                     <
>>         <>
>>                     <
>>         <>>> wrote:
>>                         Even Pence is cautiously distancing himself
>>         from the
>>                         rigged vote paranoia..  The Republicans
>>         really  tried
>>                         to change voter ID laws in different states.
>>     They
>>                         failed..  I know folks who had to take
>>         literacy tests
>>                         in order to vote back in 60s.  We will not go
>>         back to
>>                         that..  Ever.. America has changed... Too many
>>                         educated folks know better than to allow
>>         narrow minded
>>                         bigots to take over our system.   Some groups are
>>                         planning violence as what happened with Kansas
>>         militia
>>                         against immigrants... Yeah right like most US born
>>                         folks would jump at chance to work in a chicken
>>                         processing factory.    I told my far right
>>         friend that
>>                         the sleeping giant would be awaken. Voter
>>                         registration is super high in many minority
>>                         communities... November 8 will be here sooner
>>         than you
>>                         want
>>                         On Oct 16, 2016 7:15 PM, "Jaime Solorza"
>>                         <
>>         <>
>>                         <
>>         <>>> wrote:
>>                             Yep Paul..  I agree
>>                             On Oct 16, 2016 6:42 PM, "Paul Stewart"
>>                             <
>>         <>
>>                             <
>>         <>>> wrote:
>>                                 Rest my case….
>>                                     On Oct 16, 2016, at 8:37 PM, That
>>             One Guy
>>                                     /sarcasm
>>             < <>
>>                                     <
>>             <>>> wrote:
>>                                     Our dollar it does, our military
>>             it did.
>>                                     Might and money are the only two
>>             things that
>>                                     actually control globalism. Name
>>             one single
>>                                     country that would not have a
>>             major impact if
>>                                     we pulled either from the global
>>             stage. .
>>                                     None is the answer
>>                                     On Oct 16, 2016 7:31 PM, "Paul
>>             Stewart"
>>                                     <
>>             <>
>>                                     <
>>             <>>> wrote:
>>                                         Not sure I agree with this ….
>>             the US is
>>                                         one very large and powerful
>>             country yes …
>>                                         but (and I’m not trying to stir
>>                                         controversy here despite it
>>             sounding like
>>                                         it) it’s one country out of
>>             many … and
>>                                         there are many other large and
>>             powerful
>>                                         countries out there.  I’m not
>>             saying that
>>                                         the US isn’t a major player
>>             and that some
>>                                         countries hurt more than
>>             others when
>>                                         things happen in the US but
>>             the “world”
>>                                         doesn’t centre around the US
>>             as much as
>>                                         Americans seem to think it does
>>                                             On Oct 16, 2016, at 7:15
>>                 PM, That One
>>                                             Guy /sarcasm
>>                 <
>>                 <>
>>                                                            <mailto:
>>                 <>>> wrote:
>>                                             If you want to feel sorry
>>                 for anybody,
>>                                             feel sorry for the
>>                 majority of the
>>                                             planet who has become
>>                 accustomed to
>>                                             riding the coat tails of
>>                 the US in one
>>                                             major way or another. If
>>                 and when we
>>                                             fall, it will be a
>>                 disaster globally.

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