On 1/22/2017 11:09 AM, Lewis Bergman wrote:

can't see why anyone cares how many showed up. Most of the coast is liberal. I would be shocked if anyone who was not a democrat got any crowd of any size.

Only really he cares. And there are at least two or three reasons why the crowd was so much smaller. The coast(s) may be liberal, but it also is common knowledge that a liberal in Texas would be called a conservative on either coast.

It is amusing that he gets upset about reporters focusing on the negative. Get over it. Most media is liberal, so what. You slap them around for a year and a half and you expect them to focus on anything good?

It also depends (a lot) on what you define as "media". For every alleged liberal media outlet, you can pretty much find another conservative one. But I'm not arguing about that. One of the pieces of advice he got from Obama was "You better have a thick skin". He's living in a bubble of entirely different dimensions than what he used to control. It's out of his control, and he's either going to get used to it or he's going to auger in.

If anything will hasten his self destruction it is his manic focus on what anyone says about him.

No argument from me on that one.


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