Saturday, November 9, 2002, 2:27:43 PM, Ben Goertzel wrote:

BG> No question there!  Proto-AGI-based applications can certainly outperform
BG> narrow-AI-based applications in some areas.

BG> The problem is that in many market niches, "performance" (in the sense of
BG> intelligent performance) doesn't have all that much business value...

BG> Finding a market niche where greater software IQ leads to real competitive
BG> advantage, is not as easy as one might think...

I'm sure this has been attempted by various folks in various ways, but
I've always felt code optimization is a rich target for AI.  There's a
clearly definable goal; the environment (compiler, initial code,
generated code, test inputs and outputs or validation program) doesn't
need much setting up; and the whole thing can be self-contained and
self-running on a single computer.  Given some technique for
optimizing the optimizer, theoretically you could just set it running
and get on with your business...


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