This is actually a very old idea.  The brain does generate an EM
field, but it's quite weak since its contents are very well insulated.

Fortunately there is a test which ought to be able to determine
whether consciousness arises from the interaction of EM fields in the
brain.  Placing a strong source of EM interference close to the brain
should alter the state of consciousness.  Unfortunately this doesn't
seem to be the case, since it's possible to use fMRI (powered by
strong electromagnets) without the patient becoming psychotic or

On 23/01/2008, Günther Greindl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I though this might be interesting:
> His thesis is that consciousness is not generated by the neurons firing
> and computing, but rather the electromagnetic (EM) field generated by
> the neurons is consciousness - being conscious is then how it feels how
> to be an em field (of a certain kind) from the inside, so to speak.
> What do you think? This would be important for AGI and would explain why
> usual computational models, which do not seek to generate physical em
> fields but remain in the abstract fail to produce conscious AIs.
> Best Regards,
> Günther
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