Please, if you're going to argue something --
please take the time to argue it and don't pretend that you can't magically
solve it all with your "guesses" (I mean, intuition).

time for mailing list posts is scarce for me these days, so sometimes I post a conclusion w/out the supporting arguments ... but the arguments are usually
already there in prior publications ;-)

Yeah, I'll certainly grant you that. The unfortunate problem is that people coming in late don't see the prior arguments and then engage in behavior that they believe is similar but entirely without the scientific rigor that you normally follow but don't always visibly display.

Also, on the other hand, for certain classes of issues where you are less of an expert -- like in large-scale systems architecture (both software and conceptual), a number of your previously posted arguments are *I believe* at best questionable if not outright wrong. The fact that these assumptions aren't open for inspection at a convenient location is problematical if many other things are built on top of them and then they turn out to be wrong.

We need to start to gather the best of these assumptions and debates in one place (probably a wiki) because long-term e-mail looping is not efficient. I've had this as a low priority thought for the AGI-Network but I think that I'm going to escalate it's priority substantially and see if I can't come up with a conceptual design for such a wiki (with scaled and isolated privileges) over the next couple of weeks.

One of the things that I've been tempted to argue for a while is an entirely alternate underlying software architecture for OpenCog -- people can then develop in the architecture that is most convenient and then we could have people cross-port between the two. I strongly contend that the current architecture does not take advantage of a large part of the newest advances and infrastructures of the past half-decade. I think that if people saw what could be done with far less time and code utilizing already existing functionality and better tools that C++ would be a dead issue.

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