Hi Peter, Ben, and Panu

What is your approach on ensuring AGI safety/Friendliness on this project?

I would immediately gather reason to assert that if there's money in AGI,
and money is made from such a project, it is bound to be one of a friendly
nature. That assertion of course makes for a sad joke, yet seems to be not
so for the economic sort of good in contemporary practice, one in which the
lives of the industrials are currently based. It is for this reason I'm
highly critical of for profit AGI projects or any other for profit
enterprise for that matter.

Profit comes from dependence on consumption and the destruction of that
which is consumed. AGI has the capacity to provide abundance to all domains,
to make robber barons of us all if we so chose (of course that would be a
choice of fantasy, not that other facets of life are not as such), ending
all market activity altogether. As long as the culture of scarcity,
consumption, and the marketplace remain, the only way to keep things
circulated will be to continue destruction or dependence. Obliteration and
continuous necessity is profitable within current industrial frames, you
see. Read that line or the one before it again if you don't. If you see
market activity as a benefit in the long run you are either ignorant or
greedy, and if so, it will only precipitate destruction, misery, and more
competitive behavior--something AGI would only enhance if such a mindset
where kept and practiced.

How do you feel and reason about selling AGI to weapon manufacturers? They
are the only realm that could keep market activity intact in a world of AGI.
If so, why would you do this? I argue that forming a new ethical and
normative economic base will greatly influence whether AGI is used for
friendliness or otherwise. It is in everyone's best interest to focus on
projects like OpenCog that do not encourage the destructive behaviors of the
marketplace. It is my hope that market based economies are seen only as a
means rather than an end. If it is seen as a conclusion for how we 'should'
live then we will surely lose our lives. Economic zero-sum games must end or
they will end us. Non-zero-sum economies will save us from ourselves.
Scarcity divides (eventually to nothing or less) and abundance multiplies
(an infinity of choices). Of course the two will need to be in balance. Both
will always persist to one degree or another. We must lean toward abundance
to remain in the game.

I'm curious as to what your investors want out of the technology. Telling
them that AGI will eventually put them out of business won't attract
investment, yet that would be withholding a very likely scenario. Now that
information is freely available to investors that cared to read and believe
this or that of my work in Effortless Economy. As it is, AGI is difficult
for most to fathom as possible, for now. So in the field I'm developing, it
is somewhat more abstract or incomprehensible of an idea, yet AGI has
potentially dramatic concrete consequences in one direction or another.
Money will only be made from this in the short run, and if not, for those
with a capacity to muster life, misery will prevail, unless you are the last
one or ones standing after (or ongoing) a ruthless zero-sum game for which
may or may not consist of human survivors.


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