--- On Wed, 12/3/08, Steve Richfield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I appears "obvious" to me that the first person who proposes the following 
> things together as a workable standard, will "own" the future 'web. This 
> because the world will enter the metadata faster than anyone is going to 
> build a "semantic web" or anything like it without these items. In short, 
> this is a sort of calculated retrograde step to get the goodies NOW and not 
> sometime in the future.

I disagree. Google has already figured out the "semantic web". People 
communicate in natural language 100 to 1000 times faster than in any artificial 
language. Time is money.

> Perhaps in years to come, people can omit some/all of this metadata and 
> future AI interfaces to the web will still work, bit I simply see no reason 
> to wait until then to "smarten the 'web". Once the metadata is in place, any 
> bright programmer can implement the"Internet Singularity" by simply 
> populating his tables based on the metadata.

What? According to http://www.dreliza.com/singularity.php the singularity 
already happened in 2001 "when Steve Richfield had his intelligence greatly 
increased..." :-)

-- Matt Mahoney, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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