P.S. To put the distinction in a really simple easy to visualise (though *not* formal) form:

rationality and creativity can be seen as reasoning about how to put bricks together - (from the metaphorical bricks of an argument to the literal bricks of a building)

with rationality, you reason according to predetermined blueprints (or programs) of buildings - you infer that if this is a building in such and such a style, then this brick will have to go here and that brick will have to go there - everything follows. The bricks have to go together in certain ways. The links in any chain or structure of logical reasoning are rigid.

with creativity, you reason *without* precise blueprints - you can put bricks together in any way you like, subject to the constraints that they must connect with and support each other. - and you start with only a rough idea, at best, of the end result/ building you want. ("Build me a skyscraper that's radically different from anything ever built"),

rationality in any given situation and with any given, rational problem, can have only one result.Convergent construction.

creativity in any given situation and with any creative, non-rational problem, can have an infinity of results. Divergent construction.

Spot the difference?

Rationality says bricks build brick buildings. It follows.

Creativity says puh-lease, how boring. It may be rational and necessary on one level, but it's not necessary at all on a deeper level With a possible infinity of ways to put bricks together, we can always build something radically different.


(On the contrary, Pei, you can't get more narrow-minded than rational thinking. That's its strength and its weakness).

You can't arrive at brick art or any art or any creative work or even the simplest form of everyday creativity by rationality/logic/deduction, induction , abduction, transduction et al. (What's the logical solution to freeing up bank lending right now? Or seducing that woman over there? Think about it.)

AGI is about creativity. Building without blueprints. (Or "hidden structures"). Just rough ideas and outlines.

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