On Fri, Dec 19, 2008 at 3:55 PM, Mike Tintner wrote:
> (On the contrary, Pei, you can't get more narrow-minded than rational
> thinking. That's its strength and its weakness).


In case you haven't noticed, you won't gain anything from trying to
engage with the troll.

Mike does not discuss anything. He states his opinions in many
different ways, pretending to respond to those that waste their time
talking to him. But no matter what points are raised in discussion
with him, they will only be used as an excuse to produce yet another
variation of his unchanged opinions.  He doesn't have any technical
programming or AI background, so he can't understand that type of

He is against the whole basis of AGI research. He believes that
rationality is a dead end, a dying culture, so deep-down, rational
arguments mean little to him.

Don't feed the troll!
(Unless you really, really, think he might say something useful to you
instead of just wasting your time).


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