On 2018-01-03 05:46 PM, Chris Miller wrote:
> Hi Jean-Louis,
>     A vtape do not reserve the space, it only use the space of the
>     dump you put on it.
>     The vtape size should be the maximum size of any days or larger,
>     they could be 120GB or 2TG, the result will be the same.
>     Some vtape will use 5GB, some will use 120GB.
> Thanks very much. That is quite helpful.
> Is it possible to re-use a vtape for several successive backups? If
> the vtape were twice the size of a level 0 backup, then the level 1
> backups would be appended, but the next level 0 would be too large and
> would trigger a new tape.
> Additionally, How do I configure larger cycles, meaning, I will use
> 150GB each week, and 2TB can hold 13 weeks. How do I tell Amanda that
> after 13 weeks, she should start over by deleting the oldest vtape?

That's exactly what it will do, unless you explicitly tell Amanda that a
tape is out of commission.  So, just like your traditional robot, it
will cycle.

HOWEVER, note that Amanda will not write to a tape that has been
recently written, whether it's 5 GB or 150 GB.  It does /not/ append to
tapes (barring some painful and unnecessary manual configuration, that
is).  So, you're better off using small vtapes.  Because if it only
writes 5 GB to 150 GB in a 2 TB NAS, that remaining 145 GB is
unavailable to Amanda until that vtape comes up for overwriting.

> Thanks for the help,
> -- 
> Chris.
> V:916.974.0424
> F:916.974.0428

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