To 4#

Yes, images has a little bit more of Saturation... agree that should have
When deleted the box images speeds up way faster the skin, is why i did.
About the state colors of the buddies, is like latest WLM does, and i think
is pretty more simple than adding an extra icon next to the buddy to
represent it (and since small images are hardly to represent in a clear
way). So, that won't change.
If i add more black colors in the skin, i should change many others images.
So, i don't know.


2009/3/26 Youness Alaoui <>

> Ok, well my opinion is this :
> 1 - Ship only one skin.. adding more skins will just make our download file
> bigger, no need for that when users don't care.
> 2 - I don't like the minimal skin, I tried it, and it's dead ugly, I do not
> believe that it represents aMSN properly! It is also a "skin based on
> pidgin", but we are aMSN, we have our own identity and I do not beleive that
> we should have a default skin that is a copy of another software!
> 3 - The attractiveness in the minimal skin is that it's fast and small
> memory footprint (I guess)... but we only chose it as the 'fast skin'
> because of  its name!!! It's called minimal, so we think it's the best we
> can get.. that's wrong. I believe that we should instead make our default
> skin use less cpu/memory! The CPU is mostly taken for constantly resizing
> the images in the background box of the groups in the CL, and in the chat
> window's top bar, etc.. we should make a skin that do not use these features
> and that's all we need!
> 4 - The screenshot of the newest saphire that vivia posted looks nice! no
> more box, which makes it quite nice and probably speeds up the CPU usage,
> however, I think the orange/green are way too flashy and they hurt the
> eyes.. I think the colors should have a lower tone... also, most users don't
> like the colors per status thingy, so we should maybe try to make it pretty
> much black with just small variations... I don't know if you understand what
> I mean...
> 5 - maemo will have its own .deb, so if you think a skin fits better for
> that platform, then make that skin the default! Same applies for anything
> else, ubuntu could use the 'human' skin as default, etc.. anyone is free to
> have specialized skins per arch/distro.. but the official default one should
> be something that we all like and that is universal and that we think
> represents aMSN clearly, and I believe the current Saphire is close to doing
> that!
> 6 - Taken from here :
> a few suggestions on what a user thinks about the current default (his
> views might not be everyone's views, but still interesting to consider) :
> [quote]
> 1- In the contact list, no boxes and plain white background would be
> better.
> 2- Top part shouldn't be white to differentiate it from the contact list.
> 3- Contacts take up too much space (make images smaller.)
> 4- No colored nicknames based on status (or make it optional).
> 5- Blue icons with shadows and simple gray layout don't go together, so
> either everything blue with shadows (like Windows Live Messenger) or
> everything simple (like the skin you mentioned).
> 6- Icons in chat window are too big and space between the text areas is too
> wide.
> 7- Messages in the chat window should begin a bit to the right (relative to
> 'Contact says:').
> [/quote]
> I think about his comments that :
> - 1, 2, 6 are valid..
> - 3 and 4, more or less : the CL images are a good size, but maybe just a
> liiiiiitle bit smaller would be better and, the coloring should be very
> subtle rather than very flashy
> - 5 I don't understand that stuff
> - 7 is unrelated to skin...
> That's my 0.03 CAD
> KaKaRoTo
> 2009/3/26 Mirko Hansen <>
> Minimal skin as default skin? Well, I don't know if that's a good idea.
>> There are many people that rate software after their first look, so if they
>> see our great screenshots on the homepage, download it and then "only" see
>> aMSN with the minimal skin, it's not the best first impression. Sure they
>> can change the skin, but I there are so many people that kick away software
>> that doesn't fit their imaginations from the beginning. So I think we should
>> let Sapphire be the default skin if possible. Maybe we could decide
>> depending on the OS which skin is the default:
>> Memo, Windows < XP, and maybe other OSs that are run on systems with lower
>> resources for sure = minmal
>> others = Sapphire
>> 2009/3/26 Vivia Nikolaidou <>
>>> On Thu, 26 Mar 2009, Boris "billiob" Faure wrote:
>>> > I fully agree : minimal by default + ship Sapphire.
>>> OK - which version of Sapphire? IIRC this is the most recent screenshot
>>> of
>>> the most recent version:
>>> Should we make a forum poll?
>>> > About the aWLM2009 skin, we may not be able to ship it due to licensing
>>> > issues.
>>> IIRC there are no licensing issues as long as you redesign every icon
>>> from
>>> scratch instead of copying it - you can even GPL it. :) I'm not sure
>>> though, can anyone tell me for sure?
>>> > BTW, we should ask the author of the minimal skin to complete it a
>>> > little bit.
>>> Yes - and if he can't, we should complete it.
>>> Vivia
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