On Nov 16, 9:02 pm, Rachel Blackman <ceruleanspa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Nov 16, 2009, at 10:34 AM, nEx.Software wrote:
> > Not to mention that just because someone might have pirated some app
> > at some time, doesn't mean that they pirated your app.
> > That's why it needs to be able to check against Google Checkout or
> > whatever payment processor is used...
> Also not to mention how many people buy out-of-contract phones off of eBay to 
> toy with new techy stuff.  What if someone gets their phone's IMEI 
> blacklisted in your database, goes and sells their phone, and someone 
> innocent now picks up the phone and finds abruptly they can't use any of the 
> apps linked into this antipiracy thing?  (And lest you say that wouldn't 
> happen, look at how many of the Xbox 360 consoles that have gotten locked out 
> of Xbox Live abruptly ended up on eBay, while the folks who got locked out go 
> get new consoles.  After all, Xbox Live uses similar security methods, where 
> the lockout applies to the hardware ID, not merely the account.)

Tomorrow we will release free application that will help to check is
your phone in "black list" or not. In case when phone was used by
pirate before, you can run this application and check device is it
clean or not. And after that decide buy it or not. Also database is
public and you can in any time ask us about reviewing the "piracy
threat level" for device.

> This isn't to say that antipiracy methods aren't desirable or useful.  Just 
> that if they bite /innocent/ users as well, you'll have a headache to deal 
> with.  Look at how many 'I can't see this app in the market!' threads we 
> already have, and how much frustration there is just from developers over 
> that.  Imagine the users adding to that with 'I paid for this app off the 
> store, but when I try to run it claims I pirated it!'

Please read anti-piracy methods carefully on our web-site. By default
all devices have - Green level. If reported 1-3 cases device level
become - Yellow. 3-5 cases - Brown level; more then 5 cases - Red
level. We recommend to stop servicing devices that reach Brown level

> In general, as a software developer, I tend to think that antipiracy methods 
> that allow some pirates through are better than antipiracy methods that might 
> flag innocent users as wrongdoers.

it's completely your choice. You as developer decide do you want to
use it or not.

But If I were on your place, instead of telling only critics, I will
be bring some creative ideas, how to make anti-piracy system better...
Nothing personal. Make critics is easy, making solutions always harder.

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