I have been testing apache 1.3.27, webstar 5.?, and aolserver 3.5.6 &
4.0B8 with ab and http_load on Mac OS X 10.2.5.

I have noticed that when I raise the concurrent requests much above 12,
ab and http_load both indicate lots of errors for aolserver:
"connection reset by peer" or "byte count wrong" (mostly the latter).
Webstar fails in a similar pattern when around 40 concurrent requests.
Apache is fine up to around 200.  I have made dozens of trials, and the
results are consistent.

When I say "lots", I mean that with 15 concurrent requests, aolserver
has a 100% error rate.   "http_load -parallel 15 -fetches 1000
urls.aol"  generates 1000 errors, 4 being "connection reset" and 996
being "wrong byte count".  urls.aol contains one url, a 16K html file.

I experienced this with the default nsd.tcl file and also with various
tweakings of  the tuning parameters (not that I necessarily grok them

Has anybody else experienced this? Is this bad?


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