Cynthia Kiser wrote:
Quoting Gustaf Neumann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
It seems, as if all problems are in tcl 8.3.*.
But just a data point from the "not happening here" side. I have
info patchlevel 8.3.2
FWIW, on my boxes where aolserver appears to function correctly, the tcl
in the aolserver lib is 8.3:
On one box I have tcl 8.3.3 installed generally, and on another 8.4.9
(as revealed by checking [info patchlevel] from tclsh). But I presume
that in both cases, aolserver is still using the tcl in its lib
directory, correct? Since [ns_info patchlevel] isn't implemented in
3.3.1+ad13, is there some way to tell for sure which tcl aolserver is using?
Anyway, if it is the case that aolserver is using its own version of
tcl, then the "tcl 8.3.x is the problem" theory wouldn't appear to stand.
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