On Fri, May 4, 2012 at 7:55 PM, Goetz, Paul <paul.go...@sap.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> just some background on the venue constraints so far:
> We selected Rhein-Neckar-Arena Sinsheim to get the most out of the available 
> budget.
> Sinsheim is not known for its famous nightlife (it's more like Knockree), but 
> SAP gets a special price for booking the venue there + we have all the 
> technical equipment available (and we're still trying to get some kind of 
> beer run organized :o)
> Basic idea - at least as far as I understood - was to allow even those with a 
> small travel budget to participate.
> With that in mind, I would agree with Noirin, that those interested in Apache 
> might still get to ApacheCon EU, even if they went to W-JAX before (at least 
> from a budget perspective, not so sure about the time required to be 
> out-of-office).
> And back to the nightlife: Munich surely outperforms Sinsheim in this regards 
> (maybe this is why everybody goes to Berlin Buzzwords and spends the budget 
> there :o)
> Therefore, from my perspective, it seems better to have the ACEU date not 
> clashing with W-JAX - if possible (even without knowing the detailed numbers).
> Anyway, getting numbers about the expected audience (EU/US/...) seems to be 
> difficult.
> @Nick: Are there any numbers from the past?
> Although I'm not keen on asking our SAP venue staff at all (as they most 
> probably will kill me for that), I could give it a try and ask on Monday. If 
> it turns out, that we can't change the contract, we won't have a choice 
> anyway...
> But: In order to do that, I need a decision - either move to the new date 
> (20-22 November) or keep the original (6-8 November). And if possible by 
> Monday next week...
> I assume that the longer we need, the fewer the probability that 20-22 
> November is still available.
> What can I do to get a quick vote or quick poll on "In case we're able to 
> change the date: Who prefers to move planned ACEU 2012 from 6-8 to 20-22 
> (November)"?

Usually you send a mail with the subject [POLL] ACEU Date and give the
two options like:

ACEU happens best on:
[] 6-8 November (clashing with WJAX)
[] 20-22 November (clashing with thanksgiving in the US)

The question is were to send it. I might sense the this mailinglist is
the best place, because everybody interested in the event probably
reads it...


> Best regards,
> Paul
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Nóirín Plunkett [mailto:noi...@apache.org]
> Sent: Friday, May 04, 2012 6:55 PM
> To: apachecon-discuss@apache.org
> Subject: Re: ApacheCon's EU 2012 and NA 2013 - save the dates and get 
> involved!
> On Fri, May 4, 2012 at 9:45 AM, Mohammad Nour El-Din
> <nour.moham...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Noirin
>> Yes the we *might* loose some percentage of German speaking people who will
>> attend W-JAX but what is the probability of them also attending ApacheCon
>> EU ?
> People who are just curious about us will probably not come to
> ApacheCon two weeks after W-JAX, sure. But honestly, people who only
> get to go to one conference a year have probably blown that budget on
> Berlin Buzzwords already :-)
> The people I'm concerned with are our EU-based committers,
> proto-members and members, who have shown in the past a huge desire
> for an EU conference. These people are prepared to put in a
> sometimes-surprising amount of effort to get to ACEU--witness Mark in
> this thread saying he'll try to attend parts of both even if they're
> the same week.
> We should make it possible for those people to attend, even at the
> cost of not having US folks. Otherwise we're kidding ourselves that
> this is an EU show.
> Noirin


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