" ..... Fast, Accurate, Cheap.... Pick two......"
- Matt Black

On Thu, Jun 5, 2014 at 10:55 AM, Danny Kellett <
dkell...@javasystemsolutions.com> wrote:

> **
> Quantity != Quality
> --
> Danny Kellett
> dkell...@javasystemsolutions.com
> On Thu, Jun 5, 2014, at 09:31 AM, Theo Fondse wrote:
> **
> Hi Charlie!
> Although I have grown over the past few years to fully agree with LJ on
> this subject, I can also understand the need for metrics to have something
> to go by to know if our performance is on-par or not.
> Sadly, measurements in the LOC style no longer give a true picture of
> actual performance especially in terms of Remedy development.
> The company I am currently working for has a 100% custom Remedy solution,
> and are measuring performance based on number of requests closed per day
> irrespective of workflow object count (but they include all types of
> incidents, problems and change requests in this figure).
>  In my opinion, this is a better performance metric than pure LOC count,
> but is also flawed because some types of requests are quicker and easier to
> close than others.
> Shawn Pierson nailed it very well in his mail, if the purpose of the
> exercise is to determine the "quality" of a Remedy developer or to guide
> decisions around which questions your metrics should answer if you want
> your company to keep the Remedy developer that will truly be most
> beneficial to keep when the time comes to make those "hard decisions".
> Dave Shellman also pointed out the efficiency of code argument.
> I would like to add to what he said by pointing out that the better Remedy
> Developer will:
>  1) Add config data to the system to configure it to do something rather
> than write superfluous/duplicate code.
>   2) Pre-allocate field ID's and share Filters/Active Links between
> multiple forms.
> These effectively lowers your LOC count and therefore LOC count does not
> paint a true picture of quality or quantity of performance in such cases.
> Server and network infrastructure performance also plays a role in
> developer performance.
> If you are working on a server that takes 38 seconds just to open an
> active link, you cannot be expected to churn hundreds of active links a day.
> Anyone will be able to (intentionally or unintentionally) exploit
> LOC-based metrics to their advantage by bloating their code, simply by:
>  1) Adding a number of extra Filters or Active links in stead of making
> something data configurable or generic.
>   2) Copy-Pasting Filters or Active Links rather than pre-allocating
> fieldID's and sharing workflow between forms.
>  3) Writing bloat-up Filters/Active Links that only seem to be doing
> something relevant, but has no consequence to the actual functionality.
> But, to answer your original question:
> If the company insistence remains on measuring performance on an LOC
> basis, and if
>  1) You are guaranteed to always be presented with complete, clear, signed
> off and sufficient requirement specification documentation,
>   2) You are guaranteed to have access to properly performing
> infrastructure (active link opens up in <3s),
>  3) You are focussed on doing development and are not required to stop
> what you are doing and attend to support issues,
>   4) You do not attend more than 2 hours worth of meetings or workshops a
> week,
>  4) Complexity of the solution is low to medium,
>  5) Good quality code is required. (As opposed to only evaluating if it
> seems to be doing what was required),
>   6) There are no external integrations to other systems where you do not
> have full admin access and responsibility,
> then my opinion is that, on an 8-hour working day, a good Remedy Developer
> should be able to produce anywhere between 15 and 100 objects a day
> counting a total combination of Forms, Active Links, Filters, Escalations,
> Guides, Applications, Web Services, Menus, and Flashboards.
>  This is based on an approximate average of between ~5 to ~30 minutes time
> spent on average per object.
> If a Remedy developer is creating more than an average of 100 objects a
> day, then that developer is running the risk of probably not ensuring good
> quality code, because he/she is:
>  1) Copy-pasting code and not testing it the way it should be tested.
>  2) Unwittingly creating a bloated monster of a system that is going to be
> a costly nightmare to maintain.
> In such cases, one could start looking at:
>   1) Synchronising field ID's across al forms.
>  2) Writing more generic code that can rather be shared and/or data-driven.
> HTH.
> Best Regards,
> Theo
> On Wed, Jun 4, 2014 at 4:41 PM, Charlie Lotridge <lotri...@mcs-sf.com>
> wrote:
> **
> Hi all,
> Thanks for all your responses.  And, while I didn't get quite what I was
> looking for, it's certainly my own fault for not starting with the more
> narrow question I eventually posed.  And even that I should have qualified
> by stating "assuming perfectly efficient workflow".
> I fully agree with all of the positions that the quantity of workflow
> varies significantly with the quality of that workflow, the complexity of
> the requirements, and many other factors.  I also agree that in isolation,
> "workflow object count" is a useless number.  I *do* think that as part of
> a broader set of measurable characteristics it can be used to say something
> useful about the developer, hopefully to be used constructively.  But this
> is a conversation that is diverging significantly from what I was looking
> for.
> LJ, it's unfortunate that the poker point data was so misunderstood and
> misused, but I can only imagine that it must have been quite satisfying to
> the team that drove that point home with the 1000x formula.
> I'll take you up on your offer to take this offline.  It might take me a
> while to put something together that makes sense, but please expect
> something within a day or so.
> Thanks,
>  Charlie
> On Wed, Jun 4, 2014 at 7:05 AM, LJ LongWing <lj.longw...@gmail.com> wrote:
> **
> Charlie,
> I have a long standing hatred of performance metrics, that I won't go into
> the background for here, but I'll attempt to answer the basis of your
> question.
> Where I work currently, we went through an 'Agile transformation' a few
> years back.  We all went through training on how to develop in an agile
> methodology, we discovered scrum masters, sprints, and all of the
> 'wonderfulness' of the agile methodology.  During our grooming sessions we
> played Agile Poker (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Planning_poker) to
> estimate the level of effort of a given change.  The 'points' assigned to
> the modification gave an indication of how hard the change would be, and a
> 'velocity' was set that said...ok, during this sprint we can handle '50'
> points of effort, with a sprint typically lasting 2 weeks, it would be
> agreed by all parties involved that the team could develop and test those
> 50 points in that 2 week period...it is typically assumed that given a
> general scrum team that the velocity can increase x% each sprint as the
> team gets into the groove.
> This process worked well for awhile until the 'metric' folks got a hold of
> these numbers.  The metric folks said ok...well, we will start measuring
> teams on performance based on these 'points'.  They started saying that
> this team was doing more work than that team because they were handling
> more points during a sprint...so one team started taking 3 0's onto the end
> of all of their points, they were then doing 1000 times more than any other
> team, and it became abundantly clear to the metrics folks that a 'point'
> system didn't determine how efficient a team was.
> Even within my scrum team our point values varied....if I was doing the
> work, I would assign the effort a 2 or 3...but if I knew that I wasn't
> going to the be the one doing the work, but instead, a junior member of the
> team, I would assign it a 5 or an 8 because they would need to do more
> research into the system to figure out how to get it done than I would
> because of my time on the team and knowledge of the inner workings of the
> app.
> The fact that myself and the junior member of the team might generate the
> same code, and I would do it faster, doesn't indicate that I'm better than
> them, nor necessarily more productive...just have more background than
> another.
> So...this long story is to say that every time I have ever encountered a
> performance metric that someone is trying to use to evaluate 'who is
> better'...I find that any metric that says 'lines of code per hour' or
> 'objects per day', etc don't show enough of the picture to properly
> evaluate someone.
> I instead prefer a metric that works on the whole environment/person
> instead.  I prefer to look at 'how does the developer interpret
> requirements, does the developer ask any questions for clarification, how
> efficient is the workflow that is developed, how many defects come back on
> the code that is developed, etc.
> As others have pointed out....400 objects that don't work well are worse
> than 20 objects that work well.
> Other factors that determine a good developer are ability to communicate
> with team mates, ability to communicate with management, and ability to
> communicate with the customer.  Some people are so 'heads down' that they
> might be able to program anything you want, but if you can't articulate
> your 'needs' to them in a way that they understand, and them get you what
> you are looking for back out of that...then they aren't a good developer in
> certain situations.
> I would be happy to take this offline with you if you would like...maybe
> get a bit more into your reasons for looking for this metric.
> On Tue, Jun 3, 2014 at 5:03 PM, Charlie Lotridge <lotri...@mcs-sf.com>
> wrote:
> **
> LJ says 'performance metrics suck and don't work the way they are
> intended'.  So, do you feel strongly about this?  Yikes! ;)
> Really, though, while I didn't participate or even see any of those prior
> conversations about this subject, a couple points occur to me...
> First, while you're of course entitled to your opinion, I hope your
> blanket dismissal of the subject doesn't discourage others from voicing
> theirs.  If the topic annoys you - and it seems to - my apologies.  Not my
> intention.
> Second, I'd agree that "no one metric can accurately" say anything about
> anyone. My "one metric" examples were just given to spur the conversation.
> And perhaps others have more nuanced answers that involve more than one
> metric and include qualifications.  I'd be interested in hearing about
> those.  As a software engineer (my background), one of the metrics that
> has been used to judge my work has been "lines of code".  In and of itself
> it's not a useful metric, but combine with other factors it can help
> provide a broad picture of the performance of different developers.
> Third, having such data doesn't make it bad or "wrong" data, it depends on
> how the data is used just like any other data.  If used constructively,
> such metrics could, for example, be used to help assess a developer's
> strengths and weaknesses with perhaps the goal of working/educating the
> developer to shore up those weaknesses.  And while it's certainly true that
> information like this can be misused, it doesn't mean we shouldn't have the
> conversation.
> Fourth, there ARE clear differences in the performance of different
> developers.  Sometimes there are very valid reasons to judge the relative
> performance of developers.  Sometimes it's because hard choices have to be
> made like downsizing.  Is it better in these situations for the manager to
> just pick the individual(s) they like the least?  Or who they *think* are
> the least productive?  I smell a lawsuit.  Wouldn't hard metrics be useful
> in these cases?
> Finally, a disclaimer: I don't now or have any near future plans to use
> such metrics to evaluate anyone...I don't have anyone to evaluate.  And
> while my interest in the topic is more than just idle curiosity, I won't be
> using it to fire anyone soon.  For me, this information is more for
> research purposes.
> Thanks,
> Charlie
> On Tue, Jun 3, 2014 at 3:03 PM, LJ LongWing <lj.longw...@gmail.com> wrote:
> **
> My opinion is that 'performance metrics suck and don't work the way they
> are intended'.  There has been healthy debate over the years regarding
> exactly that subject, and every time it's happened, either on the list or
> otherwise, it ends up being that no one 'metric' can accurately say that
> this developer is doing 'better' than another developer.
> On Tue, Jun 3, 2014 at 3:46 PM, Charlie Lotridge <lotri...@mcs-sf.com>
> wrote:
> **
> Hi all,
> I'm curious...what are your opinions about what might be useful metrics to
> use to judge the performance of Remedy developers?  To narrow the
> conversation a bit, let's just talk about during the creation of a new
> custom application, or custom module to an existing application.  In other
> words for code generation.
> So for example, you might tell me that a good developer can create at
> least 50 logic objects (active links/filters/escalations) in a day.  Or
> create & format one form/day.
> What are you opinions?
> Thanks,
> Charlie
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