On 8/5/05, Bill de hÓra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If you're going to recommend ignoring it in practice, why not recommend
> throwing it out? Why equivocate?

You keep saying "equivocate", as if there were some hard-to-swallow
truth I'm avoiding. I'm suggesting saying something vague because the
situation is vague, it doesn't matter very much, and I don't consider
detailed information oh whitespace in XML feeds to be the Purpose Of

I'm going to recommend ignoring it to people writing Atom processors
with the intent of consuming a wide variety of feeds for consumer
usage. My favorite use case is Grandmother Trying To View Pictures Of
Her Grandchildren. Am I going to prevent that from happening in order
enforce a whitespace rule? Since there are no compliant feeds I'm
hurting, it's an easy decision to make.

That said, I know from experience that it's very easy to write an Atom
Processor that would choke on such whitespace. I would like for those
processors to be supported by the spec as compliant, because writing
one should not have to be an exercise in Keep-Going-No-Matter-What
consumer software in all cases. I don't really care how they are
supported (MAY, SHOULD, MUST...), because it doesn't matter. We do
need to write something that lets the feed validator warn people about
it, but actually trying to enforce a MUST-level requirement here seems
like pissing into the wind.

Robert Sayre

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