Re: An interesting scenario, thoughts?

I will start by confessing that I am an atheist.  I used to be Christian.
This is very similar to Pascal's wager-I don't believe in a god, I am certain that there is no god, but I lose nothing by allowing you to pray for me.  if there is no god, or if god is indifferent. I think that it's impolite to ask someone unless your religion mandates that you have permission first-"Yes, I'd like to pray for you, but only if you know it" is the kind of impression I get from these people, or perhaps "I'd like to pray for you, but maybe you'd prefer to be blind", or something like that.  As for saying yes or no, personally it'd depends on what they want from me-if you're going to ask for my blood, or make me participate in some sort of strange ritual or something, no.  I've had this a few times in my life, mostly when I was younger.
As for the your purpose argument-what does it hurt to ask?  I don't like that argument anyway-religion aside, what it's really saying is "You're blind, here's an excuse to make it all better."  Maybe your purpose is to be cured, inspiring a new wave of scientific researchers, and in all religions I'm aware of, your purpose doesn't happen unless you work at it.  If your purpose is blindness, god isn't going to cure you, and I really doubt he's going to smite you or something for asking.  Also, I don't think I'd want to believe in a god that says: "Yeah, by the way, live without eyes", because really there's less sadistic ways to accomplish anything a blind person can (and that includes inspiring others, which is one thing I've heard before).


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