On 2/03/2016 3:50 PM, Richard Frawley wrote:
come to the comps and find out... NSW states are about to happen there.

on the day, it was an appropriate margin as determined by the race stewards. 
the pilots all agreed by show of hand. seems a responsible approach (opps no 
pun) to creating the right safety measures.

bit like gliding in general. make good decisions based on current and expected conditions. one of 
the first lessons about "continuous integration of information and flexibility in decision 
making" was on an early check ride. the instructor loaded me up with a set of unexpected 
things which ended me up low on base. rather that reset my landing to the alt runway nearly 
straight ahead (that I had forgotten about) I did an unnecessary tight turn onto the planned one. I 
have never forgotten that lesson of "what are my options"
As an L2 instructor, I teach that glider pilots have to be flexible and not fixate on landing on the RWY they took off on. I also quote that we had a spin in and death at our airfield of a pilot who was flying with RAA. His beautiful self constructed glider had a motor in it and he flew low past one runway to join the duty runway and spun in on joining downwind. :-( :-(

On 2 Mar 2016, at 4:28 PM, DMcD <slutsw...@gmail.com> wrote:

500' feet minima at 3k
Is the approach over the lake the normal circuit joining area or a
straight in with a limited margin for error?

So on a normal day when you could expect 500 down in the circuit, that
would leave a safety margin of how much at safe speed (very) near the

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