Robert Elz graciously pointed out that 2.9.4 implictly says that ( is in fact 
an operator, which solves my problem.  Thank you to Robert!

----- Original Message -----
From: Mark Galeck <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Monday, September 5, 2016 1:52 PM
Subject: how is '(' recognized by the shell standard as a token?


when '(' appears in the shell input, how does the section 2.3 Token 
Recognition, of the shell standard, recognize it?

'(' can be start of a subshell, or function, or optional start of a `case` 
pattern, but nowhere do I see any indication that this is an operator, or 
reserved word.  Hence it seems to me, that when following section 2.3, no 
earlier rule than 9 would apply, so either by rule 9 or 11, '(' is part of a 

But that is not how dash behaves:

$ f( 
dash: Syntax error: newline unexpected (expecting ")") 

instead of trying to execute 'f('

So how is '(' recognized?

Thank you,


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