Mark Galeck <> wrote, on 06 Sep 2016:
> Robert Elz graciously pointed out that 2.9.4 implictly says that ( is in fact 
> an operator, which solves my problem.  Thank you to Robert!

No need to rely on something implicit.  "Operator" has a definition
in XBD chapter 3:

  3.256 Operator

  In the shell command language, either a control operator or a
  redirection operator.

This leads to:

  3.113 Control Operator

  In the shell command language, a token that performs a control
  function. It is one of the following symbols:

  &   &&   (   )   ;   ;;   newline   |   ||

  The end-of-input indicator used internally by the shell is also
  considered a control operator. 

Geoff Clare <>
The Open Group, Apex Plaza, Forbury Road, Reading, RG1 1AX, England

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