The Baha'i Studies Listserv
Hi all, 
Sen I found this custom of grace before meals very sweet and healthy. 
When I read sometime ago that we cannot do it (Lights of Guidance), I feel a 
little rude. I always ask myself: why not? But we have to investigate the 
truth; so, it is not a matter of history, this is a matter of elucidation and 
practice for believers; I think the House could (should) elucidate this if one 
ask them.

De: Sen & Sonja <>
Para: Baha'i Studies <>
Enviado: jue, junio 17, 2010 5:05:34 AM
Asunto: Grace at Meals

The Baha'i Studies Listserv
On 16 Jun 2010 at 15:59, Hasan Elías wrote:

> Sen, did you try to clarify this issue asking the House?

I haven't asked them about the letter against teaching grace to our 
children, but I have asked them some questions about the letters 
written on behalf of the Guardian. The response was not illuminating. 
I suspect my question was simply not clear enough for them, for it 
certainly wasn't answered. 

The problem is, the problem so complex, it's difficult to even 
formulate the question(s). We have different editorial practices : 
the editor of Unfolding Destiny includes only letters with a 
postscript or signature by Shoghi Effendi or internal evidence that 
the letter was in fact composed on Shoghi Effendi's instructions, 
whereas the editors of other collections seem to be including 
anything they think is written on Shoghi Effendi's behalf - and their 
criteria for this are not explicit. This difference may reflect 
different practices in Shoghi Effendi's office, because the editor of 
Unfolding Destiny notes at one point :

Editor's Note:
>From December 1926 to April 1927, ... Miss Ethel J. Rosenberg ... was 
on pilgrimage and kept up a lengthy and repetitive correspondence 
with George P. Simpson. In these letters from Miss Rosenberg are many 
instructions from the Guardian to the British National Assembly. The 
letter reproduced in this compilation, dated January 29th, 1927 is 
important for many reasons:
1. It is the only one from Miss Rosenberg which carried the 
handwriting of Shoghi Effendi where he "Approved" what had been 
    (Shoghi Effendi, The Unfolding Destiny of the British Baha'i 
Community, p. 64)

This seems to indicate that a pilgrim's private correspondence with a 
member of the UK NSA often included instructions from the Guardian, 
but only one of these letters show Shoghi Effendi's approval for the 
letter. In fact, it seems that Rosenberg was not a secretary but was 
the main channel of communication with that NSA for a period of 4 

Maybe this is a unique situation, explaining why the editor of 
Unfolding Destiny was particular about choosing the letters he really 
knew were written "on behalf of the Guardian." Or maybe it happened 
in other cases too, that pilgrims and workers at the world centre, in 
their own correspondence, conveyed information about Shoghi Effendi's 
plans and opinions and instructions, sometimes as their own 
observations, sometimes because Shoghi Effendi had asked them to. 
Perhaps other editors are simply less aware of the issue. 

In the case of the remaining letters through Miss Rosenberg, are we 
to regard them as letters on behalf, or not? I was hoping that the 
research department would say something about this situation, and how 
many letters might be involved, for which secretaries, over what 
periods. Either they didn't 'get' my question, or they were not 
sufficiently interested to do the research.

A related aspect is simple misattribution: a letter or a snippet from 
a letter may be transmitted as "on behalf" when it is actually 
unambiguously private correspondence. I've found three letters 
written on Holy Days, for example, one of which flatly contradicts 
something that Shoghi Effendi reports in God Passes By. I think they 
are probably private correspondence misattributed as letters on 

Another issue with these letters - which I didn't raise with the 
Research Department because it's a known problem - is that the 
letters are often in response to a particular question and situation, 
which the writer and addressee know, but we do not. So what they 
conveyed from author to addressee may be quite different to what they 
seem to say when we read them today without that knowledge. Gerald 
Keil has done one detailed study of one letter, for which he has 
tracked down the question: he concludes fairly I think that what is 
clearly seems to say, is not what it meant then. That's published in 
German, but I'm hopeful there will be an English translation 
forthcoming. I've dealt more brieflyy with a letter by a secretary 
that refers to "The Baha´i theocracy, on the contrary..."  which has 
led to misunderstandings, but for which we can track down the 
previous reference that makes it clear 
(see ). 

Apart from these issues of textual history, there's also some 
theoretical questions. The authority of these letters is said to be 
less (25 February 1951 to the National Spiritual Assembly of the 
British Isles), but which authority is that (as interpreter of the 
teachings, or as head of the Faith giving the orders of the day to 
his generals, the National Assemblies), and how can an authority be 
"less." ? Does that mean, less in extent (applying to a particular 
situation), or does it mean, lower in status, so in the event of 
conflicts they are overruled by any letter with a higher status? 

What is meant by the Guardian's practice of reading all the letters 
(apart, presumably, from private correspondence by his secretaries, 
except again for one case with Ethel Rosenberg)? He also read all the 
minutes of NSAs and various committees. Is this because he had to be 
informed, or had to approve of everything? If he does not correct 
something, does that mean he approved of it? Silence is a weak 
argument, because Shoghi Effendi might have corrected something, by 
oral instruction or in another letter we don't know about, or he 
might have not taken corrective action because the situation changed 
and the issue became moot. 

What about Shoghi Effendi's instruction :

"As regards Shoghi Effendi's letters to the individual Bahá'ís, he is 
always very careful not to contradict himself. He has also said that 
whenever he has something of importance to say, he invariably 
communicates it to the National Spiritual Assembly or in his general 
letters. His personal letters to individual friends are only for 
their personal benefit and even though he does not want to forbid 
their publication, he does not wish them to be used too much by the 
Bahá'í News. Only letters with special significance should be 
published there."
    (Shoghi Effendi, Extracts from the USBN)

We don't follow these instructions today - but the instructions are 
themselves in a letter apparently written on his behalf, so their 
authority is less - whatever that means - so perhaps we should not 
take the above too seriously? But then, what is actually done is to 
lump together all the letters of Shoghi Effendi, personal and on 
behalf, to individuals and assemblies and his general letters. That 
surely was not what Shoghi Effendi wanted - but what exactly *would* 
he want us to do then? For that in the end is the goal - to determine 
what Shoghi Effendi's intention was, and follow it.

I'm sure I haven't exhausted all the aspects of this. There are some 
postings on my blog that touch on various aspects. In approximately 
declining order of relevance

Letters on Behalf :

On the distinction between Shoghi Effendi´s authorities as head of 
the faith and as interpreter of the Teachings, see

for a letter "on behalf" that is misused by the Remeyites to boost 
their claims:
(in the postscript)

On 3 particular instances I asked the Research Department about:  

and probably many more. Letters of Shoghi Effendi, and on his behalf 
and possibly on his behalf, intersect with studies on virtually every 

By all means ask a specific question of the Research Department, 
about the saying grace letter. In this case, if we knew what 
*question* was asked, or what proposal had been put to the Guardian, 
it's very likely we will see that what was proposed was indeed a 
Christian-specific practice, and that the response was appropriate 
for that situation


Sen McGlinn

Happy are those who spend their days in gaining knowledge, in 
discovering the secrets of nature, and in penetrating the subtleties 
pure truth! Woe to those who are contented with ignorance, whose 
are gladdened by thoughtless imitation, ... who have wasted their
lives!"(~Abdu'l-Baha, Some Answered Questions p.137)


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