Thanks for your detail answer.

What I gave to you is an exported output of BaseX database version 7.3.1
(old database) via Java application with BaseX version 8.6.7. I tried to
export with BaseX version 7.3.1 with same db:export() XQuery, but it
returns error

db:export("userdb", "/home/mascalan/", map { 'method': 'xml' })
Error when querying BaseX database 'Failed at querying the database,
detail: Stopped at line 1, column 45: [XPST0003] Invalid key, simple
expression expected. Check collection name and version are valid first.'.

I think if I could export to you the XML of old database by BaseX
version 7.3.1, you could see the
http://localhost:8080/def/crs/OGC/0/_Temporal_template in the XML file
which BaseX version 8.6.7 couldn't find to export (?)

On 02/02/2018 11:02 AM, Kirsten, Dirk wrote:
> Hi,
> well, the XQuery might be the same, but because you certainly use
> different BaseX instances they might use different properties (i.e.
> point to a different BaseX storage). At least for the examples you
> provide here it simply doesn’t add up. To make it clear: You say the
> result on the right is with the old BaseX version. One of the results
> is the string http://localhost:8080/def/crs/OGC/0/_Temporal_template.
> However, the string does simply not appear in your input XML. So,
> where does the difference come from?
> Maybe it would be easier to simply forget about the old version and
> instead you could describe what results you are missing from the 8.6.7
> vcersion? (you said data is missing)? I can hardly imagine that
> something is really missing in this case.
> However, what certainly has improved (and thus: changed) with BaseX 8
> (I think) is the serialization. It uses the adaptive serialization by
> default, which uses newlines as separators when serialiazing. However,
> you can switch to any other serialization method quite easily and use
> the old default xml by issueing “declare option output:method “xml”;
> in the query prolog.
> Cheers
> Dirk
> *Von:*Bang Pham Huu []
> *Gesendet:* Freitag, 2. Februar 2018 10:08
> *An:* Kirsten, Dirk <>;
> *Betreff:* Re: AW: [basex-talk] Big Surprise from outputs in version
> 7.3.1 and 8.6.7 ?
> Yes, I'm sure I tested with old database from version 7.3.1 for both
> versions (7.3.1 and 8.6.7). Please see the exported XML from this
> database here:
> with this XQuery: |db:export("userdb", "./userdb", map||{ 'method':
> 'xml'||})|
> At least I can see that query in version 7.3.1 doesn't return "new
> line character \n" as in 8.6.7 but an empty space " ". 
> Thanks,
> On 02/02/2018 09:46 AM, Kirsten, Dirk wrote:
>     Hallo,
>     are you sure you are querying the same collection? I am quite
>     confused by your different outputs, because they seem to have not
>     much in common (the results on the left almost exclusively return
>     URIs pointing to and the one on the right to
>     localhost:8080?
>     If you are sure it would most certainly be helpful if you provide
>     the input XML.
>     Also, looking at your query I don't really get why you write it
>     that way, e.g. "for $i in $x return $i" is identical as simply "$x"...
>     Cheers
>     Dirk
>     Senacor Technologies Aktiengesellschaft - Sitz: Eschborn -
>     Amtsgericht Frankfurt am Main - Reg.-Nr.: HRB 105546
>     Vorstand: Matthias Tomann, Marcus Purzer -
>     Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender: Daniel Grözinger
>     -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
>     Von:
>     <>
>     [] Im Auftrag von
>     Bang Pham Huu
>     Gesendet: Freitag, 2. Februar 2018 08:45
>     An:
>     <>
>     Betreff: [basex-talk] Big Surprise from outputs in version 7.3.1
>     and 8.6.7 ?
>     Hello,
>     I've been using BaseX to query an XML file in version 7.3.1 and it
>     worked well. However, because of this problem
>     and I was suggested to use version 8.6.7 then I changed to use
>     this version in a Java Web application which queries the old BaseX
>     files from version 7.3.1.
>     However, I didn't know that this version changes created a very
>     surprise result between version 7.3.1 and 8.6.7 (i.e: data is
>     missing in version
>     8.6.7 from output result !!!).
>     Could someone tell me why it happens and how to use BaseX version
>     8.6.7 on BaseX database from version 7.3.1.
>     Here is the difference between 2 outputs on same old BaseX
>     database version 7.3.1 (left: 8.6.7, right: 7.3.1) with same XQuery:
>     The XQuery is:
>      declare namespace gml = "";;
>      declare function local:get-children() {
>      let $x := collection('userdb')//gml:identifier/text()
>      return
>           if (exists($x)) then
>                for $i in $x
>                     return $i
>           else <empty/>
>      };
>       let $x := distinct-values(local:get-children())
>       for $i in $x return $i
>     Thanks,

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