On 7-Nov-2010, at 11:31, Linda wrote:

> How do I prevent Tidy in BBEdit when I reflow a document from changing
> all of my <i> tags to <em> and all of my <b> tags to <strong>?

You don't. <i> and <b> should not be used.

> I know the debate about these tags.  However, these pages will be
> displayed within a native iPhone/iPad app in a UIWebView.  I am in
> control of the documents and they will not be displayed on the web or
> be used with screen readers.  My reason for using the old tags is to
> save memory.  These will be huge eBooks that occupy a lot of memory.

You are worried about a couple of bytes?

> Anywhere that I can save a few tiny amounts of memory on each page
> will be appreciated by my customers.

No one will ever notice that amount of data. The smallest iPhone holds 8 
BILLION characters. That is, if you printed it out at an average of 1000 
characters per page (maybe a little light, but the math is easy) it's a MILLION 
pages of text. A case of paper contains 5,000 sheets of paper. So you are 
talking about 200 cases of paper (2,000 reams). Of course, the largest iPads 
hold 8 times that.

Just how much HTML code are you writing?

The older you get the more you need the people you knew when you were

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