Hi Tony & Chris et al,
I do not "get" how using a tree as a broadcaster would be "taking over a
tree". Why wouldn't the preps act as a nourishment for the tree at the same
time that it is 'doing' what it always does? Isn't a tree always
broadcasting in a sense?

----- Original Message -----
From: "Anthony Nelson-Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, March 14, 2002 10:36 AM
Subject: Re: Gathering Chi (was re: agrisynthesis...)

Chris - Yes, I get your point about taking over a tree to act as a
broadcaster.  My main thought, as a rather junior practictioner of T'ai
Chi - Chi Gung,  was that the Chi has to come from somewhere and I'm not
really harming the natural environment as a whole in my practice by drawing
it in, especially as at least a large proportion of it is quickly released.
There must be a limit to the amount that can be stored - and can one be said
to destroy it by using it ?                        Tony N-S.

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