Dear gil,
There is a very interesting anecdote of Frank Moody which may indicate that
trees can not only act as transmitters , but also may have some extra form
of consciousness than most people would attribute to them.
The story goes like this:
Frank was called in to see what was the problem in the 19 story Price
Waterhouse building in Auckland. Staff absenteeism and illness was way above
what you would reasonably expect. Initial indications led Frank to believe
that the building had been built on a geopathic stress point, however this
did not prove to be the case. He drew a diagram of the area and dowsed that
the problem was emanating from a large tree that had been left in front of
the building with a staghorn fern tied to it. Also the electricity main
conduit ran through the roots of the tree. The deva of the tree was feeling
pretty malevolent towards these people who were parasites in it's energy
field. A short discussion with the deva indicated that if
Frank removed the staghorn fern, tied some of the right coloured embroidery
cottons, cut to the right lengths around the electrical conduit out of the
transformer, the deva would be happy. The result was that after that
everyone agreed that the building was a very pleasant environment to work
in, and absenteeism was reduced to virtually nil.
 Just a few pieces of cotton in the most judicious place was enough to stop
the radiation problems of the electromagnetic fields from the computers and
to counteract the effects on the deva.
Had you heard that story. Maybe you have some other of Frank Moody's
exploits that you could share.
Look forward to seeingyou again soon.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Gil Robertson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, March 15, 2002 11:40 PM
Subject: Re: Gathering Chi (was re: agrisynthesis...)

> I am familiar with research identifying some trees working as receiving
> and used a digital multimeter to see that this seems to be the case, but
> not come across any on them acting as a transmitter, but do not question
> could be the case. Has anyone got some actual experiments to share or are
we in
> conjecture?
> Has anyone looked at the relationship between the particular tree and
> energy occurrences?
> Is it speculated to be specie specific or location specific?
> How and where are the Preps placed?
> Is the Tree's "doorway" (as promoted by Frank Moody) involved?
> Gil
> jsherry wrote:
> > Hi Tony & Chris et al,
> > I do not "get" how using a tree as a broadcaster would be "taking over a
> > tree". Why wouldn't the preps act as a nourishment for the tree at the
> > time that it is 'doing' what it always does? Isn't a tree always
> > broadcasting in a sense?
> >
> > Jane
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "Anthony Nelson-Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Sent: Thursday, March 14, 2002 10:36 AM
> > Subject: Re: Gathering Chi (was re: agrisynthesis...)
> >
> > Chris - Yes, I get your point about taking over a tree to act as a
> > broadcaster.  My main thought, as a rather junior practictioner of T'ai
> > Chi - Chi Gung,  was that the Chi has to come from somewhere and I'm not
> > really harming the natural environment as a whole in my practice by
> > it in, especially as at least a large proportion of it is quickly
> > There must be a limit to the amount that can be stored - and can one be
> > to destroy it by using it ?                        Tony N-S.

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