On Wed, Jan 23, 2002 at 09:40:13PM -0500, Marco Fonseca wrote:
> bbkeys doesn't seem to friendly in multiple head environment without 
> xinerama, but maybe I'm not configuring it right.  You have any problems 
> with this?  Only haveing bbkeys working on one head is a big pain in the ...

You have to be using at least 0.8.3 CVS of bbkeys (since 0.8.4 is released
now, that's a no-brainer ^_^), and you have to run a copy of it on each
head.  My xsession.blackbox looks like this:

# ----------
# stuff for screen 1
# ----------
# bbappconf -i &
bbkeys -i &
bbpager &
ssh -X mwilson@iproute gkrellm &

# ----------
# stuff for screen 0
# ----------
# bbappconf -i &
bbkeys -i &
bbpager &
gkrellm -w &

# ----------
# below here is stuff for the slit
# ----------


# wmCalClock -tekton -S -b 50 &
# sleep $DELAY

# wmGrabImage -c -url http://www.cnn.com/WEATHER/cnn.data/namerica_forecast_1.jpg &
# sleep $DELAY

# wmWeather -station knzy &
# sleep $DELAY

# wmfire -B -s &
# sleep $DELAY

# wmmon &
# sleep $DELAY

# wmnd &
# sleep $DELAY

# wmifs &
# sleep $DELAY

# wmnet -w -l -x 10000000  &
# sleep $DELAY

# wmsysmon &
# sleep $DELAY

# exec wmmixer -w &
# sleep $DELAY

# mount.app &
# sleep $DELAY

# wmix &
# sleep $DELAY

# ----------
# end of slit stuff
# ----------

# bbmail &

# ----------
# launch the window manager
# ----------

exec blackbox

I have my slit stuff commented out at the moment because I have gkrellm in
there, although I have a feeling that I'll be ditching it in favor of the
dockapps again.  Gkrellm annoys me... I just can't say why. :)

Marc Wilson

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