On Tue, Dec 06, 2016 at 03:55:57PM +0000, akhiezer wrote:
> > Date: Tue, 6 Dec 2016 13:35:55 +0000
> > From: Ken Moffat <zarniwh...@ntlworld.com>
> > Subject: Re: [blfs-dev] Xorg bitmap fonts - deprecate them
> >
> The legacy page should at this time include all of the fonts/&c that
> you've removed from elsewhere.

On this, I disagree strongly.  We've carried multiple versions of
some of the old fonts (bitmap, Type1, ttf) for too long.  Meanwhile
current distros use TTF/OTF and even our own xterm page is already
set to do that.

BLFS, like LFS, is about learning AND about building leading-edge

> And only after a few more book releases, then remove some/all of the
> items from the book.
> That's a standard way of 'putting out to pasture' - phasing out - such
> materials: don't just - for such a case - do the reorganise and remove
> in same step.

IFF somebody wants them, I provided links to the relevant page in
the two 7.10 books.  But nobody really documented what those bitmap
fonts were good for.  Initially they were part of monolithic X.
So I have no idea *why* anybody might want them.  Do you have a
use-case ?

> It's ok though to prioritise at this time the focus on the
> libXfont/bdftopcf/font-adobe-100dpi  .
> > +
> > +<sect1 id="xorg7-legacy" xreflabel="Xorg Legacy">
> > +  <?dbhtml filename="x7legacy.html"?>
> > +
> > +  <sect1info>
> > +    <othername>$LastChangedBy: dibbler $</othername>
> > +    <date>$Date: 2038-01-19 03:14:07 +0000 (Tue, 19 Jan 2038) $</date>
> > +  </sect1info>
> > +
> > +  <title>Xorg Legacy</title>
> > +
> > +  <indexterm zone="xorg7-legacy">
> > +    <primary sortas="a-xorg7-legacy">Xorg Legacy</primary>
> > +  </indexterm>
> > +
> > +  <sect2 role="package">
> > +    <title>Introduction to Xorg Legacy</title>
> > +
> > +    <para><application>Xorg</application> originally provided bitmap fonts,
> 'originally' implies that it now doesn't: does it still; if so then
> reword.
I can change originally to 'at first only'.  Does that help you ?
> > +    and a tool (<command>bdftopcf</command>) to assist in their 
> > installation.
> > +    With the introduction of <application>xorg-server-1.19.0</application>
> > +    and <application>libXfont2</application>, many people will not need 
> > them.
> > +    There are still a few old packages which might require, or benefit 
> > from,
> > +    these deprecated fonts and so the following packages are shown 
> > here.</para>
> Those last two sentences - and in partic the last - are a bit too vague
> and ~hand-waving; and leave readers a bit too much in the dark.

Beyond the two packages from the book which I mention below, I have
no idea what strange desktop packages might still need bitmap fonts.
Possibly, somebody wrote an application years ago, abandonned it, and
somebody else is still using it.  In an infinite universe, anything
is possible.

I know of the two packages in the book, I also recall that when I
first started looking at console fonts (probably in 2006 or 2007) I
initially started from a bdf source file, but I do not recall
whether it actually used bdftopcf, only that at the time somebody
used my variant to create a bitmapped psf and raised a bug.  Also,
the default Makefile of Terminus uses bdftopcf to create bitmap
fonts and some format for (I think) a BSD.

> At least, for those packages (if any) that are in BLFS and that
> are _known_ or _thought_ to still require the now-legacy materials,
> they should be listed and linked-to explicitly: if there are only a
> few such packages (e.g. tigervnc &c) then it's not a hassle to list;
> if the list were not short, then it'd call into question doing the
> 'legacy' stuff yet.
They are linked *from* (tigervnc, xscreensaver).  As in the rest of
the book, we expect you to know what you want to build, and then
determin e the depen den cies and come up with a build order.  So
for everything else people who do that can build Xorg without t he
Xorg Legacy packages.
> > +
> > +    <note>
> > +      <para>
> > +        The font-adobe-100dpi package installs 100 dots per inch versions 
> > of
> > +        Courier, Helvetica, New Century Schoolbook and Times fonts. In 
> > previous
> > +        versions of BLFS a lot more fonts were installed, and also 75 dots 
> > per
> s/and also/including/
> or maybe even (less good)
> s/and also/plus/
>  - but _NOT_ 'and also'; red pen.

Sorry, if you apply a red pen I'm inclined to screw up the paper and
put it in the bin ;-)  In the country where I live, this is perfectly
acceptable in most written English (and as a nation we now denigrate

I can change it to 'installed, also'.
> > +        inch versions.
> > +      </para>
> > +
> > +      <para revision="sysv">
> > +       Please consult the BLFS-7.10 book at <ulink
> > +       url="http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/view/7.10/x/x7font.html"/>
> > +       if you wish to install any of those other fonts.
> Still too vague: you're leaving readers to hunt'n'peck, while you
> know what they're likely to be looking for.

No, I *don't* know why anybody would want to use any of the other
bitmap fonts.

> Again: for packages in
> BLFS that are known/thought to still require the legacy materials,
> state the details explicitly. As noted, such materials should anyhow
> be listed in legacy page.

Again, I disagree strongly.  The adobe fonts (which I listed on the
page) seem to be all that is necessary.  If you read a non-latin
writing system then they might be inadequate - I would not know, and
I assume that people building a BLFS desktop for such users will be
using TTF or OTF fonts.

> > +      </para>
> > +
> > +      <para revision="systemd">
> > +       Please consult the BLFS-7.10 systemd book at <ulink
> > +       
> > url="http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/view/7.10-systemd/x/x7font.html"/>
> > +       if you wish to install any of those other fonts.
> > +      </para>
> > +    </note>
> > +
> Ditto.
Only one of those paragraphs will apply in a particular book, so
obviously your comment has to apply to both of them.

> > +    -B &xorg-download-http;/ &amp;&amp;
> > +grep -v '^#' ../legacy.dat | awk '{print $1 " " $3}' >../legacy.md5 
> > &amp;&amp;
> > +md5sum -c ../legacy.md5</userinput></screen>
> > +<!--  is there any way to use lib/ app/ font/ directory in the above ? --> 
> >         
> Not sure exactly what that comment means. D'you mean, how to pass it
> through to wget? If so, then use a '<<<' construct:
> $
> while read x y z spng; do
>   some_cmds;
> done <<< "$(
> {
>   grep -vE '^[[:blank:]]*(#|$)' ../legacy.dat ;
> }
> )" ;
> $

It's an old comment from last night, before I started experimenting
on adding an extra field to fix the download, and then sorting out
the file for md5sum -c : unfortunately, despite the (highlighted)
whitespace at the end of the line I forgot to delete it - at that
time I was still having trouble getting the book to render.

It will be deleted.

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for them.'     -- Small Gods
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