On 7/13/20 3:52 PM, Uwe Altmann wrote:

> Coming back to "doing marketing in my sense": So you can point me to a sound 
> analysis of requirements of our market from which our product development as 
> well as our market communication is coherently derived? Very interested in 
> reading that.

Of course, we have never performed such an analisys, because we have a
peculiar development process which is IMHO rather difficult to steer
according to the usual marketing process.

I did try to do a similar exercise when I joined the community in 2004
(with a limited community and zero FOSS development experience), and I
was told that it was a loss of time as the development was following a
different path.

So, I have tried to flip the approach and promote the product as it is
and build a narrative to provide the missing user focus (the MUFFIN I
invented for the UX is a good example of this approach).

Yes, it is not the ideal approach. Yes, we should identify the user
clusters, and for each user cluster have a list of features which have
to be included, and schedule their development/announcement over the
life of a release.

Is this possible? Based on our development model, I do not think it is
possible. We know that in Bugzilla there are end user requests for new
features which have been sitting there for years, because either there
was no request from the same feature by enterprises willing to pay for
them, and there were no developers willing to work on them.

So, either we decide - and this is entirely possible - to invest some
money on TDF sponsored features, which reflect user needs, and at that
time we spend time to figure out the features by looking at requests,
and cross checking them with the needs of user clusters, or we risk to
spend time in a very interesting activity (I still remember having fun
during planning sessions at Honeywell, with heated discussions on the
opportunity to offer user visibility on the paper path inside laser
printers, which was a killer feature I imposed to engineers, being the
only one using printers in the group) without any visible result.

Having a limited amount of time, I have always tried to be pragmatic,
which of course has pros and cons. During my career, I have always had
to reach some compromise to reach the objectives, and in the case of
FOSS development is to manage marketing in a peculiar way, so that the
focus is more on communications that on product marketing (if you look
at LibreOffice 7.0 release notes, you will realize that by no means we
can call them "release notes" according to a marketing definition, but
this is what we have and what we can rely on for the announcement, and
either we wait to have them perfect - something will never happen - or
we use what we have).

Italo Vignoli - LibreOffice Marketing & PR
mobile/signal +39.348.5653829 - email it...@libreoffice.org
hangout/jabber italo.vign...@gmail.com - skype italovignoli
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