On Fri, Nov 15, 2002 at 12:26:51PM +0100, Ticia Luengo wrote:

> Am I reading this right? This guy works up to 80 hr a week and *still*
> has time to read a ton of books, watch games and movies, worry about
> being single in NY, and write such long and elaborate emails from the
> office at 9.30 pm???

If you sleep 8 hours per 24 hour period, then you have 112 waking
hours per week. If you work 80 hours per week, that leaves 32 hours of
non-work time per week. If you think about it, you can do a lot in 32

Now those of us who don't work 80 hours per week can wonder about where
all the time went!

"Erik Reuter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       http://www.erikreuter.net/

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