Well, having been on both sides, the one where I did 70+ hours a week and the
one being a housewife with my own schedule, I can safely say, that the busier
you are, the more you get done.
Somehow you become very good at doing things on the run, increasing efficiency,
matching scedules, fitting things in, time wise, without caring much about
details (which is good since that does save a lot of time). When I still had my
job, I did 70+ hours a week on a regular basis, took care of all of my listmail,
ran the whole household and still managed to get into a lot of social
activities. During a short period I even easily managed to do my regular 38
hours a week in combination with a dayly 4 hour commute. Now that I'm a
housewife I hardly have time to get anything done to my liking and social
activities aren't that high on my priority list since I don't have the time.
Spare time? ... whassat?

One of the things causing all this is of course that I do take my household more
serious (still not serious enough according to some ...), and I have Tom to look
after as well, and then there is that assorted range of DIY tasks still not
finished. But I've noticed that I never seem to get the timing right, so nothing
gets done as fast or as good as I would like it to. That results in frustration
and more things not done to my liking, which results in.... ah well the
intricate life of a house-wife. ;o)


Julia Thompson wrote:

> Ticia Luengo wrote:
> >
> > Am I reading this right? This guy works up to 80 hr a week and *still* has
> > time to read a ton of books, watch games and movies, worry about being
> > single in NY, and write such long and elaborate emails from the office at
> > 9.30 pm???
> >
> > flabbergasted and getting *nothing* done on her fortnightly day off,
> >
> > Ticia ',:)
> 1)  He's younger than you or I.  :)
> 2)  Being single, he's not putting lots of time into a relationship.  I
> have a friend who just didn't date for a few years because he was too
> darn busy with work to date, and when he wasn't working, he had some
> projects to keep him busy.  (I think he gave up on using the forge after
> about the first 2 years of the long work hours, though.)  Oh, and there
> were always books to read.  (Some of which I gave him; introduced him to
> Linda Nagata, for one.)
> 3)  And this one has nothing to do with Gautam, but with your statement
> above:  enjoy not getting anything done once in awhile.  I for one would
> *love* a day where I could get away with it, but that's just not an
> option with a small child around.  (At the end of the day, I can always
> at least tally the diaper changes to say I did *something*....)
>         Julia
> who also got 4 loads of laundry done yesterday, but hasn't matched all
> the socks yet, and has 5 major things to do today in preparation for
> going to an out-of-town wedding tomorrow, which Sammy will be attending
> as well, so she shouldn't waste her time posting right now, right?  ;)
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