> From: Miller, Jeffrey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> How was it?  I've been avoiding Brin lately (gasp!)  as the 
> last 2 I read, Sundiver and Practice Effect, I found to be.. 
> well, not my favorite books ever.  Not bad, per se, just not 
> so great.  Hearing what little I have about KP, I'm worried 
> its an Saturday Night Live book - takes a neat premise and 
> goes too far with it.

I had the same worry about "Kiln People".  And about 1/3 of the way into the
book I was still saying, "This is neat but how is he going to stretch it out
for an entire book".  I was pleased to find that it did work for an entire
book and never felt stretched or "too far".

So I'd say read it.

 - jmh

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