Julia asked

> "G. D. Akin" wrote:
> > Sheesh, I hope not.  I've never read his works, but I will soon read his
> > "Claw of the Conciliator" which won a Nebula a few years back.  I'm
> > trying to read all the Hugo (actually, done that) and Nebula Award
> > winners.  Just a goal.
> I had that as a goal (the Hugos, anyway) and kind of have let it slide
> lately.  Good goal, IMO.  (I've managed to at least *acquire* all but a
> couple of Hugo-winning novels.  Now it's just a matter of *reading*.)

What are your favorites of all the Hugo novels?



Tough question!  I'll pick my top five in no particular order.

- 1978 Gateway                               Frederick Pohl
- 1988 The Uplift War                      David Brin
- 1962 Stranger in a Strange Land     Robert A. Heinlien
- 1971 Ringworld                             Larry Niven
- 1976 The Forever War                  Joe Haldeman

If you really press me for an absolute favorite, I'd give a slight nod to
"Stranger in a Strange Land."

Worst (IMO) tie

- 1958    The Big Time                        Fritz Leiber
- 1963    The Man in the High Castle    Philip K. Dick

Nebula Winners still to Read

- 1966    Babel-17                                                 Samuel R.
- 1968    Einstein Intersection                                 Samuel R.
- 1971    A Time of Changes                                   Robert
- 1981    The Claw of the Conciliator                      Gene Wolfe
- 1987    The Falling Woman                                  Pat Murphy
- 1990    Tehanu: The Last Book of Earthsea          Ursula K. LeGuin
- 1999    Parable of the Talents                               Octavia E.
- 2001    The Quantum Rose                                   Catherine Asaro

George A


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