--- "Miller, Jeffrey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Wow, good thing such things like, oh, the UN, weapon
> treaties, the Geneva Convention don't involve the
> word of the United States! 
> >  The word of the United States is worth something,
> as various 
> > countries have found out over the past two
> centuries or so.
> Not these days.
> -j-

You want to document any of those?  Find an actual
violation of any of those things?  Because you can't. 
I don't quite understand why it seems to make you
happy to create implausible interpretations of
unsettled international law that put the United States
in the worst possible light, but, well, there actually
is a right and wrong of such things and you're wrong.

Which weapons treaties did we violate?  Give me a
name, a date, and some specifics.


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