--- Erik Reuter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks for the summary, Gautam. That was exactly the
> sort of thing I
> was looking for. I imagine it would have taken me
> weeks or more to
> obtain that information by my own research. And
> _Supreme Command_ sounds
> interesting, I'll add it to my "to read" list.

My pleasure.  I daresay I made at least a couple of
mistakes, though - it's been at least a couple of
years since I looked at the issue in detail.  I
imagine that someone here will correct me if I did.

_Supreme Command_ almost made me cry.  Largely because
when I was tossing around potential dissertation
topics, one of my two favorites was trying to draw
general principles on democratic leadership in wartime
based on Lincoln, Churchill, and Ben-Gurion.  Cohen
added in Clemenceau and wrote the book - coming to the
exact same conclusions that I think I would have. 
Damn it.  I kept reading it and going "I could have
written that!"  It really is marvelous, though.

Be warned, it might improve your opinion of Bush :-) 
The Iraq campaign might as well have used _Supreme
Command_ as a textbook on how civilians control
militaries.  Bush was seen reading it soon after it
came out, probably not by coincidence, and Cohen
himself is quite influential within the Administration.

Gautam Mukunda
"Freedom is not free"

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