----- Original Message -----
From: "Erik Reuter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs Discussion" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, June 13, 2003 11:34 AM
Subject: Re: Where are the European hypocrites?

> On Fri, Jun 13, 2003 at 11:06:24AM -0500, Steve Sloan II wrote:
> > Instead, Europe decided to pay its debt by giving the Jews somebody
> > else's land.
> Steve,
> I was wondering if you could give a capsule summary of that transfer.
> I don't know much about it, but I have wondered how it occurred. Most
> importantly I'd like to know exactly when, how, and by whom were
> individual Palestinians evicted from their homes and their land. If you
> have a good reference on the web, that would be helpful, too.
> Did it happen before the 1948 war? Did Britain go in an kick
> Palestinians out of their homes?
> Did it occur during the first Middle-East War? If so, how did the
> Israelis have the resources to go house to house to evict the
> Palestinians while fighting off virtually all the other Middle-Eastern
> countries? Or was it more of a scorched earth sort of thing, the
> Palestinians fleeing because their land and homes were in the middle of
> a war zone?

>From what I've seen from many sources, after the war was won by Israel, the
Arab countries urged the Arabs in Israel to leave so that they may destroy
Israel with impunity.  Most left, but some stayed.  The ones that stayed
and their descendants are now about 20% of the population, IIRC.

The ones that left were kept in refugee camps as a means of putting
political pressure on Israel and highlighting the injustice of Israel's
existence.  It was felt that, if the Palestinians were integrated into
Jordanian, Egyptian, Syrian, etc. societies, the push to eliminate Israel
would lose some momentum.  I think this is a reasonable assumption, but not
a reasonable action.

Having said that, I have no doubt that there were instances of Jewish
injustice against Arabs.  But, the fact that Arabs who stayed ended up as
citizens of Israel indicates that there was at least some effort to treat
Arabs reasonably.

Dan M.


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