--- Steve Sloan II <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The same goes for Israel. Shortly after WWII, the
> least
> unfair solution probably would have been taking a
> good-sized chunk of land from Germany to form a
> Jewish
> homeland, while negotiating with the Middle East
> world to
> get them visitation rights to their holy sites.
> Instead,
> Europe decided to pay its debt by giving the Jews
> somebody
> else's land. It's too late to change that decision
> now. The
> best we can do now is try to get a decent two-state
> solution
> to work.

OK, this is one of those irritating cliches that
people keep repeating.  How _did_ Europe "pay its debt
by giving the Jews somebody else's land."  Did
European troops do any fighting in the Israeli War of
Indpendence?  No.  Did European countries give
diplomatic support?  No - Harry Truman forced the
European countries to recognize Israel.  Arms and
weapons?  Not really - Ben-Gurion had to go through
phenomenal hoops to smuggle weapons into what would
become Israel.  Israel was established in pretty much
the same way that most countries are established - a
local population fought a war of independence.  In
many ways it wasn't that different from us in 1776 -
except, of course, that the British didn't intend to
kill every American colonist, as the Arabs _did_ and
_do_.  Israel doesn't depend on Europe for protection.
 It doesn't even depend on the US for protection,
although the US doesn't hurt.  Israel is an
independent state because the people of Israel are
willing to do whatever it takes to make it and keep it
that way.

Gautam Mukunda
"Freedom is not free"

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