--- Julia Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Reggie Bautista wrote:
> > 
> > Nick wrote:
> > >You (plural) don't believe that Jesus is fully human?
> > 
> > I could be wrong since my beliefs have moved somewhat away from
> mainstream
> > Catholic thought, but I believe the official Catholic party line is that
> > Jesus was both fully human and fully divine, just as the eucharist is
> both
> > fully bread and wine but also is fully the body and blood
> > (see http://www.rosary-center.org/ll49n3.htm for a good discussion of
> this,
> > especially the section about "substance" vs. "accidents").
> Something I've been wondering about -- what do various denominations
> teach about transubstantiation, anyway?  I understand what the Catholic
> stance is; what about Lutherans?  Or Methodists?  Or any other?

Since I have had family members as both "1st church of christ" and Methodist
ministires, and have discussed this topic at length with each I feel that I
can answer acuratly. Since I was the first "egal scout" in a very cristain
version of the scouts which required an understnaing of the differences in
denominations I feel that I have some expertice in the area.

The Methodist beleive that it is a representation, a cerimony, it was allways
meant as a repreisentational cerimony. Jesus never intended anyone to beleive
that it really was his flech and blood, that would be sick! He was speeking
metaphoricaly, and saying basicaly when you eat and drink know that you are
eating and drinking the creation, you are the creation. Taking part in the
most basic of human practice is, worship. They do use real wine.

The 1stCOC beleive that he meant something more mystical. They say
specificaly that the bread "represents" and the wine (grape juice)
"represents" blood. Unlike the Methodists they actualy think about Blood and
Flesh but understand that it is just a representation. The taking of
communion to a 1stCOCer is a very spiritual, meaningful, and humbeling
experience. It is a kind of open awareness that the sins one has commited are
fully layed out for god to see. Forgiveness is a requirment before the
partaking. It is also more manditory that the practice be done. To a 1st
COCer you need to do this every Sunday or risk going to hell.

One very interesting interpritation I have come across ( and give a lot of
credibility to) has to do with the "unleveness" of the bread. And the effects
that wine can have. Without the yeast unleven bread can contain quite a bit
of argot, a fungus that grows on grains. Argot contains sylisiben which is an
halucinagen. It might be that Jesus intent was for his disiples to reach a
"spiritual" state by ingesting sylisiben and achohaul. While this is contrary
to the beliefs of most christians it is not actualy very extream as religious
practices go. It certainly does make the whole buisness make a lot more
sence. It gives it purpous which is otherwise quite contirved.

               Jan William Coffey

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