Dan Minette wrote:

Let me give just one counter example now.  (Only one for space limitation,
not for lack of examples.)  Tonight, on the local news, there was an
apartment fire.  One man was taken to the hospital for smoke inhalation. He
was at risk because, instead of just yelling fire and getting out of the
complex, he went door to door knocking on the doors telling people to get

He is up for a hero's award, which I think is reasonable. From a Christian
standpoint, his actions are an example of the greatest form of love
possible.   But, from the standpoint of enlightened self-interest, his
actions were irrational.  On a cost/benefits basis, it was the wrong
decision to make.

Isn't this just an example of _enlightened_ self interest? Certainly the guy could have saved his ass and gotten out right away, but as the result of a little risk taking, he has raised his stature in the community.



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