Andrew Crystall wrote:
> On 10 Jul 2003 at 14:47, Reggie Bautista wrote:
> > Michael Harney wrote:
> > >I wanted to ask those who have read some/many of the Pern novels a
> > >question. I have only read _Dragonseye_ and _The Dolphins of Pern_.
> > >The question I have is:  Are the events in some of the other pern
> > >books more epic?  Let me elaborate for clarity.  I liked the books,
> > >but I found them to be a little lacking in the end because there
> > >never seems to be any grand, exciting events in the stories.  No
> > >major climax to the story.  Are the other Pern novels similar, or are
> > >there better ones?
> >
> > I thought _Dragonseye_ was one of the weaker Pern novels
> That has another name in Europe as well, can't remember what it is
> tho.

Hm, I went to, and they do list _Dragonseye_.

But they also list _Red Star Rising_, which could also be the same novel
under a different title.  Except they *don't* list _Chronicles of Pern: 
First Fall_, so that's a more likely candidate for that one.  Been
awhile since I read either, and between the babies inside me and the
toddler in the house, I'm somewhat scatterbrained.  :)

Debbi, if you're following this thread, McCaffrey has written some
non-SF stuff, some of it about women who ride horses.  Try _Ring of
Fear_ or _The Lady_, unless you absolutely can't stand romances.  :)


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