From: "Bryon Daly" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> >From: "Michael Harney" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >On the topic of _/_ by Greg Bear, I may start another thread later about
> >that book, but I wanted to ask, for those who have read more of Greg
> >books if _/_ represented a One of Greg Bear's better books, was on par
> >most of his books, or were his other books superior?  I ask because I
> >liked that novel.  It was a bit like pushing a heavy item on wheels.  It
> >was
> >a little hard to start reading (mostly because the events at the begining
> >are so disjointed), but once momentum was built up (and events started to
> >tie together), it was difficult to stop reading it.  If some people would
> >care to recommend some other Greg Bear books, that would be appreciated.
> I haven't read (or even heard of) _/_ (or does this mean Slant, which I
> haven't read?), but I mostly liked the Greg Bear books I have read:
> Blood Music, Forge of God, Anvil of Stars: these all had some interesting
> concepts and I enjoyed them a lot.
> Heads - short, so-so.  IIRC, shares a bit of the same concept at the end
> Blood Music.
> Eternity - I read this when it came out and enjoyed it, but by the time
> sequel came out, I had lost entirely all memory of what this book was
>   I have zero recall of its story.  It just didn't catch my imagination, I
> guess.

Yes, _/_ is also called _Slant_.  Thanks for the recommendations.

Michael Harney

"Man had always assumed that he was more intelligent than dolphins because
he had achieved so much... the wheel, New York, wars, and so on, whilst all
the dolphins had ever done was muck about in the water having a good time.
But conversely the dolphins believed themselves to be more intelligent than
man for precisely the same reasons." - Douglas Adams


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