Deborah Harrell wrote:
> --- Julia Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> <snip>
> > Debbi, if you're following this thread, McCaffrey
> > has written some
> > non-SF stuff, some of it about women who ride
> > horses.  Try _Ring of
> > Fear_ or _The Lady_, unless you absolutely can't
> > stand romances.  :)
> I may have read _The Lady_...pony called Blister?

I think so.  It's been a little while, and I was somewhat
sleep-deprived.  (That was one novel I worked my way through during the
1AM breastfeeding sessions....)
> But *romance novels*?!!  With heaving bosoms and manly
> pillars, straining bodices and "breeches moulded to
> his calves"?  Not me!  ;)

There are novels that aren't like the formulated Harlequin romances, but
are still "romances" rather than some other sort of novel.  The
formulaic ones found in the "Romance Novels" section, usually with way
more pink on the cover than anyone should really want, hold no interest
for me, but ones that are reasonable novels in their own right but have
that romantic slant to them are OK at times.  (At times.)
> Agree with your comment on the Killeshandra series -
> not something I'd waste time reading another book of.
> But I really like the epic
> Dragonflight/Dragonquest/The White Dragon trilogy, and
> the Harper Hall triplet is good fun.

I read all the Killashandra books, and I thought they were OK (then
again, I read the first one in junior high and the second in high
school, just to give you an idea of my *emotional* age when I most
enjoyed them), but I don't go back to them.  I go back to the Pern books
now and again.
> Joan D. Vinge's 'Psiteen' (?sp?) series looked at a
> future world in a gritty, cool way (think this was
> aimed at a younger readership, though).

Haven't read any of those.  I've read a couple of her other novels, and
enjoyed them.

But for a Vinge, give me Vernor.  :)  I finished _Across Realtime_ last
weekend, and boy, that was a really good read.  I recommended it to Dan,
as well -- I think he'd really like it.

The first VV novel I ever read was _The Witling_, which was a neat twist
on a fantasy universe.  If you're looking for something not too
complicated or long, but still intelligent, that's a good one.


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