Guatam wrote:
If John Ashcroft were anyone _but_ an evangelical
Christian (speaking as a non-evangelical
non-Christian) the way he is treated by the Left would
be recognized by everyone for what it is - sheer
religious bigotry of the most unvarnished sort.

I know plenty of evangelical Christians who are quite upset at the way Ashcroft is gutting constitutional protections. Ashcroft's actions have shown that he is a big supporter of the freedom of government to do whatever it wants, but not much of a fan of the constitutionally protected individual rights, such as the right to petition the government for a redress of grievances (first amendment), protection against unreasonable search and seizure (fourth amendment), protection against being deprived of liberty and property without due process of law (fifth amendment), right to a speedy and public trial (sixth amendment), the right to know the nature and cause of accusations (sixth amendment), and arguably, protection against cruel and unusual (specifically unusual) punishment (eighth amendment).

Anti-Ashcroft sentiment has nothing to do with religious bigotry.

Reggie Bautista

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